Baboon mother and child Essay Assignment

Baboon mother and child
          Baboon mother and child

Baboon mother and child

Haviland et al Living Primates(1).pdf

Question Sets:
1. What is a primate and why do anthropologists consider it important to study them? What are the common traits that primates share? What are some traits that set primates apart from other mammals? Choose a species from 2 of the following primate categories (1. lemur/loris; 2.tarsier; 3. New World Monkey; 4. Old World Monkey; 5. Ape) and compare and contrast them in terms of their physical features, habitat, locomotion, sexual behavior, reproduction, communication, social forms, and tool use.
2. What are some of the key threats that primates face in the world today? Which primates are particularly endangered and why? What actions are primatologists taking to address these threats and what recommendations do they make for ensuring that primate species do not go extinct? Aside from extinction, what ethical issues are primatologists currently working on addressing? What responsibilities do humans have towards our closest living relatives?
If you want to help support primate conservation right now, there’s a simple way that doesn’t cost anything. Jane Goodall was a pioneer in the study of apes, particularly chimpanzees. Clicking on the link below helps support the Jane Goodall Institute, which provides sanctuary for orphaned chimpanzees in Africa:

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