Basic science research and technological innovation

Basic science research and technological innovation
Basic science research and technological innovation

Basic science research and technological innovation

1. Describe what you have been taught about the relationship between basic science research and technological innovation before this class.

Have you been told that it is similar to the linear model? Is your view of this relationship different after studying this unit’s lectures and readings? Explain why in 3-4 sentences.

2. Edison’s success with the electric light is often reduced to the discovery of the carbon-filament light bulb. Yet without creating an entire system, his invention would not have led to the creation of a whole new industry.

Besides the carbon-filament light bulb, what element of Edison’s light would you consider most essential? Explain why in 2-3 sentences.

3. Identify two ways in which Nikola Tesla’s difficulties from 1900 to 1905 were characteristic of the challenges independent inventors faced more generally (1-3 sentences for each example), and two ways in which his difficulties were specific to his individual case (1-3 sentences each).

The History of the Electric Light documentary

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