Batter my Heart, Three-Personed God Essay

Batter my Heart, Three-Personed God
 Batter my Heart, Three-Personed God

Batter my Heart, Three-Personed God

Discussion Board #2 Topic: Reflection

Having completed this course of study, prayerfully reflect upon the literature and share how 1 of the literary pieces, characters, or authors studied in this course can be used as a Christian witness or salvific tool to fulfill the Great Commission. Identify the title, character, or author of the chosen literary piece, and begin with a cogent thesis statement; offer detailed support, and show control over the topic.


(1). John Donne

o          Batter my Heart, Three-Personed God

o          Death Be Not Proud

(2).  Everyman

o          Anonymous playwright/dramatist

o          15th century England

o          Medieval morality play

How to Compose the Discussion Board

For Discussion Board Forum 2, your Thread must answer the discussion prompt in 100-150 words. This parameter helps to promote writing that is thorough, yet concise enough to permit your classmates to read all of the postings. As you compose your Thread, use the citation format required by your degree program to cite all references to, or quotes from, external authors or sources. To let your instructor know which style of documentation you are using, write MLA, APA, or Turabian in the title of your thread as follows: Title – Citation style (e.g.Christians and the Study of Literature – APA).

SAMPLE Discussion Board #2

Submit a document, similar in length to this one.

Same format as Discussion Board #1, but much shorter!

Thread (your initial words)

I consider the play Everyman to be the story of all of us.

The playwright portrays in a very concrete way how humans

face temptations and always think the wrong way about them.

It is only the Holy Spirit who can enlighten us and let us know the truth about ourselves. To use this play as a salvific tool, I would ask readers to compare what it says to what the Bible says, and find out whether it is really true. Stories give readers a lot of ideas, so we always need to consider the accuracy of what has been written.

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