Beautiful mind

Watch the movie and then please include the following sections titles in your paper:

Analysis of Movie:
Write a very brief summary of the movie. Give clear evidence that you watched it.
Write a description of how the psychological disorder and/or the therapy was portrayed.
Assessment and DSM-5 Diagnosis:
Describe how you would assess the disorder (what assessment tools), and discuss the criteria for diagnosis based on what diagnosis you would choose from the DSM-5 to assign to the client in the movie.
Evidence-Based Practice Plan of Care:
Research and include evidence-based practice related to the disorder/therapy portrayed. Include a minimum of one peer-reviewed article. What therapy modality would you choose as the plan of care for the client?
Summary of Movie Analysis in Correlation to DSM-5 Criteria:
Write a critical analysis of how accurate or inaccurate you found the portrayal of the disorder/therapy. Show evidence of your knowledge of the psychological disorder/mental illness or the type of therapy (that is, include information from class or the textbook).

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