Behavioral problems in the existing system
Familiarize yourself with a system (preferably a business system). Identify the behavioral problems in the existing system. In case, you decide to analyze an existing IT system such as a website or application (e.g. blackboard), interact with the IT system to understand the functionality provided. Identify any problems you encounter in using the IT system. In either case (i.e. whether you decide to analyze a business system or an IT system), note down the improvements that can be made. The problems and improvements should relate to the functionality provided by the system. The assignment should include following:
- A brief description of the proposed project.
- A brief description of the functionality provided by the system. Supplement the source documents about the functionality. Include screen dumps for the existing IT.
- A problem statement (Systems Proposal) (Include only the problems or limitations you encountered; there is no need for objectives and scope)
- A Context Diagram
- A Gantt Chart showing major milestones and tasks (You can use course syllabus as a starting point to identify different models and deliverables and the delivery schedule)
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