Being Bullied or Become Bullies and Stop the Bullying This essay is about “bullying in school“. This essay will talk about how kids are being bullied in schools, how they become bullies and what we can do to
stop bullying.
This is a persuasive essay.
Paper should be at least 10 double-spaced, typewritten pages of original prose using APA style and including an APA style cover page. Original work is expected; all outside sources used in the paper must be properly credited using APA citations. This paper should include a reference page with at least five credible sources. These sources should have an author and a date of publication and come from the library database. You may use additional sources from the Internet or personal communications, but at least five sources will be from credible academic journals, books, or articles. Use statements and ideas that are your own writing and blend these with your research. If you want to use actual words from a source you must put them in quotation marks. Include both in-text citations and a references page in APA format.