Biggest Problems American Citizens Face

Biggest Problems American Citizens Face Note: Please answer the following essay question as fully as possible.

Biggest Problems American Citizens Face
Biggest Problems American Citizens Face

Your response must be at least FOUR double-spaced pages and must make specific reference to the information in our textbook and our lecture notes. Be sure to check your spelling and grammar!

Looking at America from today’s perspective, what do you consider to be the TWO biggest problems (political, economic, cultural, social, or military) that we as American citizens face, and why? What are the historical roots of these problems, and how have they impacted the world that we live in?

Hints: Your response should make reference to the major historical trends that we have discussed this semester e.g., the rise of liberalism and/or conservatism, changing American foreign policy, the power of social movements, economic changes, demographic changes, cultural changes, etc. Your response should also give specific detail about the historical trends your reference. The more detail, the better!

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