Bill of Quantities and Specifications Research Writing

Bill of Quantities and Specifications Research Writing Based on your previous materials research. Each individual student is required to select one flat/apartment from her typical floor plan and develop the following:

Bill of Quantities and Specifications Research Writing
Bill of Quantities and Specifications Research Writing

Partial Bill of Quantities (BOQ): Conduct quantities take off using the actual measurements of your developed plans and prepare part of the bill of quantities for selected apartment spaces:

Include items only used in “internal finishes” section

Follow the MasterFormat Divisions in your serial numbering for materials.

Organize your table columns as follows: Item #, description, Unit, Quantity, unit price/Rate, and Total Amount.

Calculate the total cost for each material and for all used materials in the “internal finishes” section

Specifications writing: select only two materials from the above list and develop its specification following the “3 part-Specification” format.

Use the online “Sweets database” for materials products and their manufacturer/supplier to download available specifications using “3 part- Spec. format” for the two selected materials:

Review the available specifications for each material, and provide a condensed/abbreviated version of its main items (max two A4 pages for each material)

Bill of Quantities and Specifications Research Writing Requirements

Partial Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

Specifications documentation for two materials using “3 part-Spec.” format

Useful links

– Database for all materials suppliers and their products’ downloadable information/documents, including “3 Part-Spec.” -Master format Division classifications (attached document) -Sample online downloadable for some Materials –

3 Part Spec.

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