Black hawk down Review Project Paper

Black hawk down
Black hawk down

Black hawk down

The final project will consist of reviewing a fictional film and comparing it to the actual American historical event.

You will be expected to write a 1,000-2,000 word research paper that provides a complete overview of the movie and how it reflects the historical event that it is portraying.

This research paper will seek to answer multiple questions regarding the historical event that is portrayed in the movie. You will be required to do research and find at least four crediblesources to support your claims (no dot coms or Wikipedia please).

At least one of these sources should be a primary source. You are welcome to use the library databases or any other scholarly websites that may provide information on your specific topic. These papers should adhere to Chicago Turabian notes and bibliography style (I will provide handouts for guidance).

Times New Roman, 12pt font should be used and the paper should be double spaced and formatted according to Chicago Turabian style guidelines (this means including a title page and footnotes).

You must first turn in your proposal to me through Canvas and wait for me to approve your movie choice before you may proceed on this assignment. This assignment is worth 30% of your grade for the course. Please review the syllabus so that you are aware of late policies and penalties.

This project will contain the following information:Provide a summary of the movie and the American historical event that it is portraying. Who or what is this movie about?

How does it relate to American history?Is the movie portrayal accurate (this is where your research will come in)? How so, or what is inaccurate? Provide a brief summary of the actual historical event from your research (using at least one primary source).

How does it compare to the movie that you watched?What is the significance of the American historical event that is being portrayed? Why was it important to both history and to the film industry to share this story?Whose perspective is being portrayed by the movie?

Is there a voice being silenced? Is there more than one side being told? If it were told by an opposite side, how would it differ?

Provide your interpretation of the event and how it impacted American history based solely on the research that you conducted. Is this event still relevant today? Why, or why not?

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