Board Paper
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Agenda Item: Exxon Mobil Oil Spillage.
Draft Resolution: A proposed resolution to renovate the transport system is needed to avoid further oil spillage. The continuous oil spillage into the Indian Ocean, is as a result of the poor conditions of the oil tankers. This spillage results in water pollution.
- Executive Summary
This board paper is about the rampant oil spillage that occurs in the Indian Ocean[1] as Exxon Mobil company oil tankers transport oil to our African clients. This has resulted in catastrophic negative impacts to the environment and huge losses incurred by the company. The paper is endeavoring to achieve a lasting solution to this situation and is therefore seeking the board’s approval to revamp the oil transport infrastructure.
- Background
The current corporate social responsibility issue that we are facing as the Exxon Mobil Oil Company is the pollution of the ocean due to the recurring problem of oil spillage. The situation has escalated into unprecedented levels following the reported mass death of aquatic life and growth of water hyacinth and other troublesome water weeds as a result[2]. Coral reefs are also being reported to have been destroyed as spilt oil floats on the water thus blocking sunlight and oxygen from reaching aquatic life below[3]. The problem is being caused by the poor conditions of our oil tankers and lack of properly trained personnel to handle the situation. Our stakeholders who are mostly affected are our customers who live along the shores of the affected regions and depend on fish for their livelihood. The appendix provided below will illustrate this problem using some images that were taken recently to emphasis the predicament.
- Recommendation:
The recommendations that were arrived at by the management involved the training of the current staff[4] on how to address such a scenario. The staff would also be trained on ways to ensure the oil tankers are in the best condition possible to avoid punctures and stalling of the ships. Another recommendation that was on offer was hiring qualified personnel but it was overlooked since the management concluded that it was more costly than training the existing staff. The other recommendation agreed upon was the acquisition of new and advanced oil tankers.
By implementing these recommendations, the management hopes to reduce the oil spillage and in the event of such a scenario, the staff will be in a position to deal with it appropriately.
- Implications of non-action and of the recommendation:
The key stakeholders who will be affected are:
- Customers
- Shareholders
- Marine society
The customers will be affected in that they will see that our company complies with environment preservation regulations and thus they can have complete trust in our business practices. The shareholders will be positively affected too as the reduced oil spillage will consequently reduce loses and subsequently increase profitability. The marine society will be impacted the most as the marine life they depend on will be conserved[5]. The company’s strategy, mission and policies will be maintained and we shall also be in compliance with corporate governance. The CEO and the board will also avoid any liability on environmental degradation.
However, inaction on these recommendations will lead to huge losses for the company, more aquatic life deaths[6], uncontrollable water pollution and negative impacts on the society and the company’s reputation. Refer to appendix 2 for risk assessment and financial implications.
- Appendices
Appendix 1- Risk Assessment Table
A | Expensive oil tankers | Risk of acquiring expensive oil tankers thus increasing implementation costs | low | low | minor |
B | Legal constraints | Risk of going against government regulations hence inviting lawsuits | high | high | moderate |
Appendix 2- Images of Oil Pollution
Appendix 3- financial implications
Recommendation | Estimated cost |
Training the staff | $ 1500 |
Acquiring new oil tankers | $ 150,000 |
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- Owa, F.W., 2014. Water pollution: sources, effects, control and management. International Letters of Natural Sciences, 3.
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[1] Oil spillage is the number 1 cause for ocean pollution.
[2] Oil spillage leads to many effects on water.
[3] Oil kills aquatic life by blocking sunlight and oxygen from penetrating into the deep. Sunlight and oxygen are important for life to thrive underwater.
[4] Highly trained personnel are one of the ingredients for a sustainable approach to controlling oil spills.
[5] The marine environment and the people who depend on it will be the highest beneficiaries of reduced oil pollution.
[6] Sea mammals will die in large numbers leading to a negative effect on the ecology.
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