Bombay Blood Groups Case Study

Bombay Blood Groups Case Study Order Instructions: write a conclusion/summary of a case study of a rare Bombay blood group referring to the attached scientific articles.

Bombay Blood Groups Case Study
Bombay Blood Groups Case Study

Using a persuasive arguments to make a point about how individuals with the Bombay phenotype are easily misdiagnosed and why as the O blood group in cell typing and because of the presence of strong anti-H in their plasma, if they receive blood group O red cells or any other blood group red cells except the Bombay group, they may develop an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction

Bombay Blood Groups Case Study Sample Answer


The element of blood group serology remains one of the essential features in the process of transfusion as determined in this case study that seeks to discover the Bombay (Oh) phenotype, which is characterized by the absence of certain antigens on the red cells within a tribal population in India (Mansoor, 2014). It is established that individuals with Bombay phenotype receive autonomous blood from other patients with the same blood group. This is attributed to the fact that this Blood Group is considered rear and a transfusion of it with the blood group O red cell may result in a fatal hemolytic transfusion reaction.

The study, therefore, established that people bearing this blood group may not pose some of the antigens such as A, B, and H within their blood cells,  a factor that denotes that these individuals have anti-A, Anti-B, and anti-H antibodies (Mansoor, 2014). As a result of this, the sera of these individuals are considered as incompatible with the red blood cells. During the grouping of cells, this blood group would be categorized as O since they fail to show reactions to anti-A and anti-B antibodies.

Individuals with this blood phenotype are most likely to be misdiagnosed as holding the O blood group since the existence of strong anti-H antibodies in their plasma. In any case, these individuals receive blood group O or any alternative blood group red cells other than that of the Bombay group, they are likely to develop hemolytic transfusion reaction (Mansoor, 2014). These results in symptoms such as renal disseminated intravascular coagulation and renal failure that is primarily associated with mortality and morbidity rates among the unconscious patients

Bombay Blood Groups Case Study References

Mansoor Quli Khan (2014). Bombay Blood Group: A Case Report.  Retrieved From:

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