Brookside Dairy Company
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Instructions this is an ongoing assignment with different parts. The first assignment that I had Custom Phd thesis completed chose the company: Brookside Dairy Company.
now this assignment(below) will be researched / answer based on the same selected company that I choose to do my SSP on which again is Brookside Dairy Company!.
Please see below Assignment 1 completed by custom Phd thesis weeks ago.
Value Chain Analysis ( Assignment 1)
Brookside Dairy Company is an organization that is concerned with the processing of raw milk into various end products that include pasteurized milk, yoghurt, fermented milk, butter and cheese among others. This company operates in the Kenyan dairy industry and happens to be one of the well-established milk companies in that country. The Kenyan dairy industry comprises small and large organizations. Some of these companies include KCC (Kenya Corporative Cremearis), Tuzo and Fresha among others (Kavoi et al., 2013). Most of Brookside’s suppliers come from the rural areas from which they delivere milk to collection stations. This milk is then collected by the company’s trucks and taken to the firm for processing. Milk processing involves several stages that well-coordinated to yield the final product. These stages form the value chain.
Value chain is a series of activities or processes that an organization operating in a given industry executes to deliver or provide valuable services and products. This concept is founded on the process view of firms and takes into consideration the aspect of viewing a service or manufacturing organization as a system, which made of subsystems with transformation processes, inputs and outputs, and involve the consumption and acquisition of resources such as materials, labor, money, management, building, and administration (Agrawal et al., 2014). Value chain has significant effect on the business strategy as it affects the operations and logistics involved in the success of a business. As such, the business strategy of the firm should be developed in a manner that matches its value chain.
Technology impacts significantly on the value chain of a company. High technological research and development process activities contribute positively to the value chain of a company. Some of the aspects of technology such as automation of processes and other monitoring activities offer a great support to the value chain, which lead to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of a company’s operations (Schloetzer, 2012). On the other hand, low technology affects the efficiency of firm’s value chain in a negative way.
Analysis of the company’s value chain takes into consideration the various processes that are involved in milk processing. This goal can be accomplished by focusing on the activities involved in conversion of milk into finished products (Agrawal et al, 2014). In relation to this, the company’s weakness exists in the inbound logistics involving warehousing of the raw milk that has been received from the suppliers. This problem results from inadequate cooling centers to cater for excess milk from suppliers. Moreover, the company’s cooling centers are located far from the factory due to lack of space near the organization. Thus, what are the ways through which the company can address the problem of handling extra milk from suppliers and far location of cooling centers? However, the company has strength in terms of outbound logistics and operations. The company has a well-coordinated system of converting milk into a high quality end product or products. In addition, the company’s outbound logistics takes into consideration a proper distribution channel that entails wholesalers and retailers.
Milk processing involves a series of interconnected stages. Once milk is received at the factory, it is analyzed for freshness using various tests and then transferred to cooling tanks. From the cooling tanks, the milk is taken for pasteurization and then analyzed for quality prior to packaging (Kakoi et al, 2013). The milk from the cooling tanks can also be processed into various products that are analyzed prior to their packaging. These processes are conducted through a well-coordinated task force that operates in various departments within Brookside.
The company’s value chain has a strategic significance to the larger value chain as it ensures a constant supply of milk and milk product into the market. Taking into consideration the fact that the firm has an advantage in terms of outbound logistics, the organization has various warehouses and centers where processed milk and milk products are taken prior to their distribution (Kavoi et al, 2013). From these centers, the products are taken to wholesalers who sell them to retailers, who in turn sell them to the final consumers. Moreover, the company has retailers who purchase products directly from the firm then sell them to final consumers.
Agrawal et al. (2014). Managing Value in Supply Chains: Case Studies on the Sourcing Hub Concept. California Management Review, 2(56) 23-54
Kavoi et al. (2013). Influence of Institutional and Socio-Economic Factors on the Supply Response of Smallholder Farms in the Marginal Zones of Kenya. Journal of International Development, 25(3) 393-411
Schloetzer, D. (2012). Process Integration and Information Sharing in Supply Chains. Accounting Review, 3(87) 1005-1032.
Assignment #2
Evaluating Systems Thinking
Think of the last time you visited a zoo. You visit the zoo to enjoy the wealth of variety of animals in their natural habitat. Next time you visit a zoo, notice that similar types of animals are presented together whereas ones that may be natural enemies are separated. In order for the entire zoo experience to work systematically and to be sustainable, the zoo leaders need to ensure all animals are available for the visitors to view, enjoy, and learn. The zoo leaders need to come together to share expertise of their individual areas to develop a holistic view of their system that takes into account all the relationships among the animals at the zoo. All parts of the zoo working together collaboratively, with effective communication and change management, allows for a total zoo experience that meets the organizational mission and vision. The zoo has successfully implemented systems thinking. Systems thinking can potentially create an organization in which all internal and external stakeholders, regardless of job or position, work together collaboratively. These stakeholders collectively use decision making and strategic planning to meet the needs of the customers while maintaining the objectives of the organizational mission and vision.
To prepare, consider the organization that you chose for your SSP as a system.(Brookside Dairy Company )
By Day 4 of Week 4, post a 3–5 paragraph evaluation of the potential impact of systems thinking on the organization.(Brookside Dairy Company ) Briefly describe the organization as a system.(Brookside Dairy Company ) Evaluate the potential impact of systems thinking by identifying potential benefits and potential drawbacks of applying systems thinking to the organization.(Brookside Dairy Company ) Justify your response.
Extend the conversation by identifying implications for practice or research, as well as for your own research agenda, where appropriate. Be sure to integrate one or two new related, and engaging, questions that will extend the discussion about your post in constructive ways. Try to think of a question(s) that will engage your peers in critical analysis and thinking about your organization, which may provide insight for your use as you continue preparing your sections of the major Weeks 4 and 7 Sustainable Solutions Paper (SSP)(Brookside Dairy Company ) due in this course.
Your response should include proper APA citations and adhere to all guidelines of APA style.
* please don’t copy from assignment 1 that has been completed. This is only to give you a brief history of the company. Also please note once again,this is an ongoing assignment and the following questions needs to be answer on the company I chose which is Brookside Dairy Company .
Brookside Dairy Company
Brookside Dairy Company Limited has since the beginning been the leading East Africa dairy company. Its operations are fully fledged in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. It has the largest network of farmers, collection of milk, and the capacity for milk storage in east Africa. It is known to be the leading producer for milk and dairy products. Currently, it produces fresh milk, yoghurt, long life milk, butter, and ghee (Valentino, 2012).
Potential Impact of System Thinking
The potential benefits of applying systems thinking to this organization is that it helps one to see how things work and thus enables one to identify anything that is of value or of waste in the service or product delivery resulting to a better service and reduced costs. On the other hand, the potential drawbacks of applying systems thinking to this organization are that, it may be applied where the original problem statement was quite useful and thus affecting the organizations functions (Ing, 2013).
Others may use it as a flavor but instead, they end up replacing the best flavor. This are the times when system thinking is not really mandatory to the organization because it may end up affecting its structure for no good reason. It is only advisable in cases where the organization is not really functioning as required so it may be applied to solve its problem. Once we know the importance of the systems and the system thinking, it is good to ask ourselves questions like: “Which specific part of the system do I need to first attend to?” or “How relevant is this system to the dairy production?” This will probably help in the systems thinking decision-making.
Ing, D. (2013). Rethinking Systems Thinking: Learning and Coevolving with the World. Systems Research & Behavioral Science, 30(5), 527-547.
Kenyan dairy buys into Ethiopian market. (2013). Dairy Industries International, 78(12), 8.
Valentinov, V. (2012). System-Environment Relations in the Theories of Open and Autopoietic Systems: Implications for Critical Systems Thinking. Systemic Practice & Action Research, 25(6), 537-542.
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