Budget office of the State of Texas Paper

Budget office of the State of Texas
Budget office of the State of Texas

Budget office of the State of Texas

Budget office of the State of Texas

The Budget office of the State of Texas is contemplating two alternative plans to explore a change in how it utilizes press releases.

Plan A: Send press releases 1 through 5 (Group 1) using the existing approach. Send press releases 6 through 10 (Group 2) using the new approach. All newspapers on their list will receive both groups of releases. Compare average number of news items resulting from Group 1 with the number resulting from Group 2.

Plan B: Compare the number of news items being shown in 3 groups of newspapers. · Group 1: 25 randomly assigned papers will receive press releases 1-5 using the new approach. · Group 2: 25 randomly assigned papers will receive press releases 1-5 using the old approach. · Group 3: 25 remaining papers will not receive press releases 1-5.

The Budget office is exploring if either approach leads to increased readership which is evaluated by the number of papers sold.

*Use Research Methods to answer questions below*

What would your null and alternative hypothesis be to address this question?

Would you look at the entire population or do some type of sampling to examine this question? Explain why or why not.

If you were to gather data through a survey what types of error should you be particularly keen to avoid?

What measures of variability and central tendency would you use to evaluate plans A and B. List only one measure of variability and one measure of central tendency. If comparing the means between these plans tell me the type of test that you would use and the variables used in the analysis?

How do you evaluate whether your findings from the above analysis should be used to make changes in how press releases are used? (Hint: What specifically are you looking for in your data analysis findings to help you understand if your findings are salient?)

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