Bullet in the brain
hello writer can you please provide me with a first draft by the dated the teacher provided please thank you. below is direction for assignment.
This writing assignment is in three parts:
A first draft, submitted by W, 3/6
Peer review for a partner’s essay, due F, 3/8, by midnight
A final draft, submitted by W, 3/13, at midnight (you may submit your final draft any time after the peer review)
Directions: Write a 3 page essay (typed & double-spaced) in response to the prompt below. The first draft of this essay is graded either complete or incomplete, and the final draft is worth 100 points. Anyone who doesn’t bring a workable first draft to class for peer review (an original essay of multiple paragraphs in response to the prompt) on the due date will have his or her final draft’s grade lowered by a full letter (up to 10 points).
Choose ONE of the stories we have read and
discussed so far (by either Bambara, O’Connor,
Wolff, Carver, Malamud, or Garcia Marquez),
and analyze how the fictional elements of
characterization, point-of-view, and plot work
together to reveal the story’s theme to a
reader. Follow the guidelines from the
“How to Write about Literature” page when
constructing your essay; use specific examples
from the text to support your assertions, but
limit quotations and paraphrase whenever
possible (your ideas and analysis should
dominate your paper, not quotations from
the text). Format your drafts in Links to an
external site. MLA style, including in-text
citations and a Works Cited page for any
borrowed information (including the story
you are analyzing).
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