Business and Canadian Government Policy

Business and Canadian Government Policy  This is a term paper but for now I only need the proposal for this paper.

Business and Canadian Government Policy This is a term paper but for now I only need the proposal for this paper. Business and Government Policy The proposal should be 1 page maximum and must include the following: 1) The business and government policy area and why your policy area is important to you and/or is worth considering (Chose from the policy topics provided in the attached file) 2) Your thesis. 3) Proposition or research problem you will attempt to answer along with some basic background information. 4) You also need identify some preliminary research sources for your analysis.
Business and Government Policy

The proposal should be 1 page maximum and must include the following:
1) The business and government policy area and why your policy area is important to you and/or is worth considering (Chose from the policy topics provided in the attached file)
2) Your thesis.
3) Proposition or research problem you will attempt to answer along with some basic background information.
4) You also need identify some preliminary research sources for your analysis. The proposal should be 1 page maximum and must include the following:
1) The business and government policy area and why your policy area is important to you and/or is worth considering (Chose from the policy topics provided in the attached file)
2) Your thesis.
3) Proposition or research problem you will attempt to answer along with some basic background information.
4) You also need identify some preliminary research sources for your analysis.

Business and Canadian Government Policy Guidelines

The proposal should be 1 page maximum and must include the following: 1) The business and government policy area and why your policy area is important to you and/or is worth considering (Chose from the policy topics provided in the attached file)
2) Your thesis.
3) Proposition or research problem you will attempt to answer along with some basic background information.
4) You also need identify some preliminary research sources for your analysis.

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