Business Consulting Career Field Research

Business Consulting Career Field Research Directions for Writing

Business Consulting Career Field Research
Business Consulting Career Field Research
  1. Introduction: Pick a particular career field for research. Make sure it is a narrow topic, (Actuarial Accounting vs. Accounting). Include a good definition and state the thesis or focus of the paper (the importance of this field for the future, why it is the most appropriate choice for you, future jobs as a result of the growth, the particular skill set needed to be successful, etc.)
  2. The body of the paper ñ 1st part (information that will support your thesis/focus):

Features of the career

Importance of this field to the economy

Nature of the job, examples of responsibilities, and skill set needed

Challenges involved and future growth in the field

The first two parts will include in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. since you are gathering information from other sources – make sure you give credit to your sources!!

  1. The body of the paper 2nd part (what does this mean for you?):

Why is this a valid career to choose?

What skills do you have to complement this career?

What are the challenges for pursuing this career?

What majors/classes will better prepare you for this field?

What else can you do to prepare?

  1. Conclusion

A summary of the most relevant points

Restate the thesis ñ what did you learn by doing this assignment?

End with a concluding statement to finish the discussion/research

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