Business existing technology Assignment Paper

Business existing technology
Business existing technology

Business existing technology

Business existing technology

Pick any one of the two options to write your paper.

A. Find a company/business/service that emerged based on a new/existing technology
a. What was the business/service? Be specific and provide a description of the business/service
b. What was the technology that caused the change in that business/service?
c. What and how it happened? – Be descriptive in your details


B. Find a company/business/service that was made obsolete by technology
a. What was the business/service? Be specific and provide a description of the business/service
b. What was the technology that caused the change in that business/service?
c. What and how it happened? – Be descriptive in your details

*You need to provide a detailed answer. Answering each question with one or just a few words is not acceptable and you will not receive credit for that question.

Company/Technology Overview Section Questions:

1. Provide a description of the company that you picked
2. Did this company miss an opportunity to make a lot of money?
a. What was that opportunity?
3. Did this company take advantage of an opportunity which resulted in them making a lot of money?
a. What was that opportunity?
4. What is the company’s logo and is it helpful in its business image?
5. What were some of the major technologies that this company implemented in the last 20 years?- If it’s a new company then keep the horizon at 3-5 years.
6. What are some of the challenges that the company faced when they implemented these technologies?
a. How did they handle these challenges?
7. If the company did not implement any new technologies in the past 20 years, why did the company decide or did not try to use new technologies?
8. Do you think that they should implement new technologies? Why?
9. What is their overall business model?
10. Give an example of a business process that they have implemented or utilize?
11. How do they provide CX?
12. Do a SWOT analysis of that company?
13. Using the table on page 23, which competitive advantage strategy do you think that the company used?
14. Is their business model Customer or Product centric, provide brief details?
15. List some of the company’s KPI? Page 41 has examples of company’s KPI
16. From the company you picked, give an example of an external transaction?
17. What are some of the business challenges that this company faces or might face?
18. Do they have a centralized or distributed Database system? (your answer must be based on a resource that you read; provide this resource)
19. What is the difference between the company’s database and data warehouse?
20. What is the market share of this company?
a. Compare it to the market share of their competitors?
21. Give an example of Inbound and outbound marketing that was used by your company?

Assuming that you are the SEO consultant for the company

1. Provide a list of keywords that your company currently use in their website.
2. Create a list of keywords (at least 10) that you think the company should use to optimize their site for search engines.
3. Put the keywords in a list and rank them on a score from 1-10.
4. Go to and enter your keywords. Each keyword will have a graph that shows how often it has been used in search queries.
5. Based on the results you got for the ten keywords, what are the top three keywords that you would pick? Why? (provide a screenshot to support your answer)


List some of the Apps that your company created to improve their CX?
Summarize your company’s social media campaign; how do they use and manage their social media campaign
Looking back that the company/technology, if you where the CFO/CEO/CIO/CTO of that company what would you do differently? (Give a detailed answer and “I will do the same thing as the CFO/CEO/CIO/CTO” is not an acceptable answer)

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