Business terms Essay Assignment Paper

Business terms
Business terms

Business terms

The e-commerce industry is certainly an interesting one to write about, but the exam requires details about it to demonstrate that you can apply the strategy concepts.

Below is an explanation on how to interpret the color highlights on your exam.

Yellow highlights indicate clarity issues.

Orange highlights indicate inaccuracy in term use.

Blue highlights mark words that require examples (not simply a definition).

Strategy terms must be in bold font that is underlined, per the exam instructions. (-5) . Above is feedback from paper .Please do not simply define the words EXAMPLES REQUIRED !
Purpose: The purpose of this exam is for you to tell me a story that demonstrates you understand business strategy and its associated terms,that you can apply those terms to a business you know about, and that you can use the terms properly and in connection with one an other i n an original narrative. Task:Use 20 of the business strategy terms below in a comprehensive and connected narrative that demonstrates you understand what the terms mean you must use examples to do this(not simply definitions).The narrative must be written about a business and/or industry but it can be written from either the first-or third-person point of view, whichever you prefer. Indicate within your narrative the 20 words you chose by using bold font that is underlined.(If you use a term twice, only underline i t the first time.) Each term is worth 4 points each (20 x 5= 100). Using two different forms of the same word(e.g., industry and industries)will count as a single term, so be sure to include 20 unique terms. Partial credit may be awarded in cases where writing represents partial rather than full demonstration of term understanding.

Strategic management, Analysis Formulation, Implementation Strategy, Competitive advantage Strategic position, industry effects (as related to firm performance)Firm effects (as related to firm performance)Organizational stakeholders, Strategic leadership ,Vision Mission, Organizational values Espoused values ,Enacted values Strategic commitment Strategic planning .Scenario planning ,Planned emergence ,Corporate strategy ,Business strategy .Functional strategy ,External environment External analysis ,Political Economic,Sociocultural,Technological,Ecological Legal Industry Strategic group Porter’s Five Forces Threat of entry Power of suppliers Power of buyers Threat of substitutes Competitor rivalry ,Internal analysis Resources Valuable Rare Costly to imitate Capabilities(of the firm)Core competencies Strategic activities.

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