Campaign objectives and consumer insight

Campaign objectives and consumer insight
Campaign objectives and consumer insight

Campaign objectives and consumer insight of Lorna Jane yoga pants

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Since i did finish other parts of the project so far, so only thing the writer need to do is consumer insight and campaign objective.
I will send all the information in the files and just follow my concept and idea that i provided. Also, the requirement for those 2 parts. All of them including in my files.


Campaign objectives and consumer insight of Lorna Jane yoga pants

Campaign objectives

There are several objectives for the advertisement campaigns for the Lorna Jane wear yoga pants line. These targets include developing awareness about the Eunoia line of yoga pants among the people of Sydney as an independent line of clothing. The campaign is also aimed at reaching 30 percent of the target population, which is Sydney within three months of advertisement.  The attainment of the objective should be timely and precise.

The campaigns should also increase improve the attitudes f the people of Sydney about the brand, from zero percent to 20 percent. This objective should be attained by use of the natural background and the desirable models to be featured in the campaign ads. The slogan should also be made clear in all advertisements it would be significant in popularising the brand and improving the attitude of viewers of the campaign ads.

The advertisements should also show the fashion sense of the yoga pants to the potential clients as a way of increasing the attitudes of people. The slogan of the line, which is fashionably well minded, peace & beauty, eco-sexy, the beauty of the mind, natural fashion, naturally wild should be able to help achieve this aim. Campaign ads should be able to connect all the aspects captured in the slogan statement. This would blend the fashion sense of the yoga pants, natural beauty of the customers, and the outgoing nature of the young adults of between 18 and 25 years of age.

The campaigns should also enlighten the customers about the various colours and types of yoga pants under the new brand name. All the different colours of the yoga pants that signify the various parts of the slogan would be featured in the ads, while worn by a beautiful model. The ads should create a sense of choice among the viewers (Park, H, Jeon, J, & Sullivan, P 2015)..

The campaigns should highlight the strengths of the new line of yoga pants. Views of the campaigns should be able to identify the uniqueness of the material that the new yoga pants will be made of. Viewers of the ads should be able to tell the advantages of the Eunoia brand over the other brands.

Consumer insight

The target clientele are women who are interested in maintaining their body fitness body fitness. This means that the clients would majorly be female youths between the age of 18 and 25 years old who are either fit and would like to remain that way or are unfit and would like to become fit and sexy. The brand would majorly be sold in Sydney where there is a hug population of youths. The youths in Sydney are also influenced by the pop culture which influences ladies to have a youthful look.

It is a positive thing that fitness is what drives motivation to perform yoga and therefore buy yoga pants.  This is because with the popularity of pop culture in Sydney, more and more women are conscious of their looks and therefore generate a long term market for products to do with yoga. The brands have a variety of categories in terms of colors and sizes to ensure that all the potential clients can get a pair of yoga pants (Carroll, A 2009).

85 percent of participants of yoga in Sydney are women. It is more likely that investments in yoga outfit for women would be less risky than the investment in outfits for men. In the total number of people who participate in yoga in Australia, 56.6 percent attended practice one or two times every week. 24.1 percent attended practice more than three times per week while the rest were not consistent. From these statistics, it is clear that the consumers need a more durable material for the yoga pants. A line of yoga pants that would be of high quality may be need by consumers. Yoga sessions also take a considerable amount of time each day of practice.

In a typical day in Sydney, about 46 percent have to work for longer hours and therefore prefer to engage in yoga in their free time because of the lack of enough time to engage in other physical activity and the calming nature of yoga.

The target market for the Lorna Jane line of yoga wear is mostly the youths. This class of people is fashionable and needs a sense of freedom. Therefore, Eunoia line of yoga pants is expected be favorable and marketable to the target group due to the lines ability to capture al the aspects of youth fashion (Park, H, Jeon, J, & Sullivan, P 2015).

The consumers should buy the yoga pants from authorized dealers of the Lorna Jane brand and other countrywide stores and malls. The yoga pants will also be available in online stores for the busy people of Sydney to purchase from their offices and homes.

The media to be used to communicate with the potential clients would majorly be social media such as facebook. This is because of the popularity of the social network. Other media for advertisement would include television and magazines. Most of the people who attend yoga also have smartphones and other internet enabled gadgets such as PCs and tablets. It is therefore easier and cheaper for the line to be advertised through social media (LaPointe, P 2012).

The campaign ads should reach at least 30 percent of the population of Sydney city to achieve the objectives of the advertisement. This may be achieved by advertisements being done at least two times between seven and nine o’clock in the night. Facebook ads should be updated as frequent a hourly due to the high number of times youths log in to facebook (Smith, S 2013).

The key challenges of communicating with the target audience may be the high expense of TV ads in terms of costs per ad. Therefore, to reduce on the cost of TV ads, the ads would be short and precise.


‘Effect of an office worksite-based yoga program on heart rate variability: A randomized controlled trial’ 2011, BMC Public Health, 11, 1, pp. 578-582, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 October 2015.

LaPointe, P 2012, ‘Measuring Facebook’s Impact on Marketing’, Journal Of Advertising Research, 52, 3, pp. 286-287, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 October 2015.

Smith, S 2013, ‘Conceptualising and evaluating experiences with brands on Facebook’, International Journal Of Market Research, 55, 3, pp. 357-374, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 October 2015.

Park, H, Jeon, J, & Sullivan, P 2015, ‘How does visual merchandising in fashion retail stores affect consumers’ brand attitude and purchase intention?’, International Review Of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research, 25, 1, pp. 87-104, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 October 2015.

Carroll, A 2009, ‘Brand communications in fashion categories using celebrity endorsement’, Journal Of Brand Management, 17, 2, pp. 146-158, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 October 2015.

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