Can one belief system fit all situations?

Can one belief system fit all situations?
Can one belief system fit all situations?

Can one belief system fit all situations?

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Part 1: Can one belief system fit all situations?

Mostly, not all leaders attain the desired results when they come across scenarios that need a variety of decisions to be made. Usually, managers depend on common leadership techniques that operate well in a certain set of circumstances but fail when used in others. According to the organizational theory and practice, a particular level of order and predictability exists in the world. Therefore, circumstances keep changing, and as they become more sophisticated, the usual simplifications may fail. For this reason, good leadership does not entertain a one-size-fits-all proposition.

If I were to choose one belief system to live by all situations I would choose utilitarianism. This is because utilitarianism offers a straightforward method for deciding the moral right course of an action in any scenario I may find myself in.

However, this belief system can fail me at certain times. For instance, the computers and laptops in the first floor of WEGA Technologies Company can be stolen. During the incidence Gerald, a senior computer technologist in WEGA Technologies Company, could be in his office located in the third floor of the premises carrying out finishing touches on a software he has been developing. Therefore, he may be linked to the theft.  As the manager who believes in utilitarianism, I am expected to choose what is best for the company such as firing Gerald. However, this could be a grave injustice especially if Gerald is innocent.

Part 2:

For me, giving employees priority before profits is an ethical thing to do. During the 1995 burn, Aaron Feuerstein would have cashed in his fire insurance payment and enjoy his luxury in Florida. Also, he could have  moved his business to a market with cheap labour as most textiles industries had done. However, Feuerstein found it right to care for his workers who had always been loyal to him. I do not think he was doing a wrong thing. Caring for people instead of net worth and personal interests is a virtue that most managers in the world have tried to embrace but with little success (Sellnow, Seeger & Ulmer, 2011, Pg. 216). As a reward for his exceptional ethical virtue, the sales and the productivity of a company increased. I do not think currently the world has Feuerstein-like leaders. Most of our leaders are corrupt. They readily cease each corruption opportunity that comes their way and benefit themselves.


Sellnow, T. L., Seeger, M. W., & Ulmer, R. R. (2011). Effective crisis communication: Moving from crisis to opportunity. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

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