Capital expenditures of the company

Capital expenditures of the company
Capital expenditures of the company

Capital expenditures of the company

Go to the internet and find a news article published within the last one year that discusses capital expenditures of the company, summarize key points and post in the Discussions area.
In your response please include the projected level of capital expenditures of the company.

Go to the home website of same company (AT&T) and find the description of the projects. Choose 2-3 projects from the list and describe what the projects are and what resources they require. Can any of the projects that you selected be described as research collaborations? Why? Can any of the projects that you selected be described as academic collaborations? Why?

Reflection – the students also should include a paragraph in the initial response in their own words reflecting on specifically what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace.

Please use at least six quotes with sentences of explanation in the conclusion. 4 of those sentences must speak to capital expenditure.
Don’t forget to include the complete link to the article and to the project descriptions on company’s website that you are using for your posting.

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