Capstone competency paper

In the first capstone competency paper, you will address how you achieved the following competencies:
Use of a caring holistic approach to provide and advocate for safe quality care for patients and families in an environment that values the uniqueness, dignity, and diversity of patients. (Patient-centered care)
Apply the nursing process to make nursing judgments, substantiated with evidence to provide safe, quality patient care across the lifespan. (Nursing Judgment)
Review the American Nurses Association (2021) definitions and concepts related to competence:

“A competency is an expected level of performance that integrates knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment. Knowledge encompasses thinking, understanding of science and humanities, professional standards of practice, and insights gained from context, practical experiences, personal capabilities, and leadership performance. Skills include psychomotor, communication, interpersonal, and diagnostic skills. Ability is the capacity to act effectively. It requires listening, integrity, knowledge of one’s strengths and weaknesses, positive self-regard, emotional intelligence, and openness to feedback.” (American Nurses Association, 2021, p. 146)

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