Caring for a Chronically Ill Client in Community

Caring for a Chronically Ill Client in Community You are required to prepare an academic paper that critically analyses the literature related to one of the following aspects of Community Care

Caring for a Chronically Ill Client in Community
Caring for a Chronically Ill Client in Community
  • The family pressures of caring for a chronically ill client in the community
  • Legal and ethical considerations that impact planning and delivering care in the community
  • Role of Care Coordination in the delivery of Patient Care in the community

Dependent on the chosen topic, the assignment must;

  1. Include an introduction which identifies your reasons for selecting the topic, and a brief literature search strategy on how you chose the articles to support your work.
  2. Compare and contrast patient care experiences and needs ‘in the community versus institution
  3. Reflecting on communication, discuss the importance of referral and data sharing within the interprofessional team
  4. Explain the importance of regular Team Meetings to review the client’s case to plan and deliver care.
  5. It should also include the relevant facilitators and barriers of the chosen topics.
  6. The conclusion should include a summary of key findings
  • 15 minimum reference
  • 10% introduction (why did you pick this topic etc)
  • Not heading in the paper
  • Tell about your opinion and support your arguments with appropriate reference

Caring for a Chronically Ill Client in Community Mark Criteria

  • Reasons for choosing topic literature search criteria 10%
  • Compares and contrasts patient care experiences and needs, in the community versus institution 20%
  • Importance of referral and data sharing in the chosen topic 20%
  • Importance of regular team meeting in planning and delivering end goals to patients 20%
  • Facilitators and barriers of chosen topic 20%
  • Academic standards of paper (Syntax, style, and reference) 10%

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