Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis Assignment

Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of calculations of cash flow and strategies to increase it.

Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis Assignment
Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis Assignment

Assignment Steps Select a multinational company from the following industries: • Retail • Pharmaceutical • Computer Hardware • Manufacturing • Automotive Review the selected company’s most recent financial statements. Calculate the following cash conversion cycle ratios based on the financial statements usingMicrosoft® Excel®: • Average inventory • Inventory turnover rate • Average account receivable • Account receivable turnover • Average collection cycle Explain in 700 words the importance of the cash conversion cycle, including • Discuss the purpose of the cash conversion cycle and its components. • Analyze the results obtained in the cash conversion cycle equations. • Propose strategies to increase the cash flows of the company under study. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include in-text citations Add at least 2 peer reviewed references and make sure the references are in alphabetic order and following APA guidlines.

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