Challenges of Implementing Cultural Competence
Challenges of Implementing Cultural Competence Essay
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Please read the article that it is on the attachment, the answer the following question:
1) Identify the definition of cross-cultural competence.
2) Evaluate and identify the challenges that can occur when attempting to instill cultural intelligence into the workforce.
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Challenges of Implementing Cultural Competence
Cross-cultural competence involve the ability, skills, and knowledge of how to deal effectively with people from a variety of cultures. It should not be mistaken to imply a single culture that one has studied for years. A person who has cross-cultural competence is able to interact with people from various cultures comfortably (Eisenberg et al., 2013). It is specifically important for companies that operate internationally as the management must be able to communicate effectively with all its employees and customers. While it is possible to teach cross-cultural competence, various challenges are likely to be experienced when attempting to instill cultural intelligence into the workforce.
Differences in understanding among workers may inhibit an educational process. While some workers may be fast learners, others may be slow at understanding hence calling for more time to be put at helping them catch up. Specifically in regard to virtual communications, older people may either be reluctant in learning about it. The younger generations may on the other hand be reluctant to learn the theoretical part of cultural competence.
Goodman (2012) suggests using a program that is tailored for the company situation so that employees can associate business and culture more easily. There is a likelihood that such a program will be difficult to prepare. Instead, it may require testing over time before it is seen to be effective. The testing time may be translated as wasted time as it may not contribute to the productivity of either the employees or the company.
Language barriers may make creating a culturally competent workplace difficult. While people may understand how to deal and understand each other, language barriers often associated with cultural differences may cause difficulties in instilling the cultural competence (Eisenberg et al., 2013). Even employees who wish to communicate respectfully may not be able to communicate if the barrier is not overcome. Cultural barriers may also be difficult for those learning new language since even directly translated phrases may imply different things in different cultures.
The company requires allocating resources for the program. For a company to instill cultural competence in the work place, it must be willing to go an extra mile and allocate resources for the project (Parekh, 2000). For instance, learning materials must be either purchased or created using the company’s financial resources. The company must also be ready to dedicate its labor time to learning as well as to educate other employees. Employees may also require getting study leaves in an attempt to be culturally competent.
Historical or contemporary differences between various groups may strain the effectiveness of the program (Ewoh, 2013). Employees may either feel distrusted if they get into contact with other communities or they may arouse such feelings from members of other communities. Some employees may also be unwilling to interact with members of the other community if there are similar differences. These will create a difficulty in the learning process. In some cases the situations may arouse pre-existing conflicts.
Creating a culturally competent working often involves an overhaul of the entire company culture. For a company’s workforce to become effectively culturally competent, the idea must be integrated into the work culture (Ewoh, 2013). The overhaul comes with a disruption of the company operations and a reasonable slowdown in production. The culture change also comes with expenses to cover as well as broad consultation of the company’s executives. The company may also require rebranding to show its compliance with certain laws.
Culture is ever changing. While there are certain aspects that are unique to certain cultural groups, it is very difficult to obtain a program that accommodates the changes that will often occur in cultures (Goodman, 2012). Furthermore, culture is not always the same for members of a community. The differences in culture over time make culture difficult to learn. Culture changes moreover do not change in the same direction. This implies that people may find themselves in conflict with people in a cultural setting in which they are competent.
The diversity of culture is very extensive. Even within a foreign country, people can only learn the basics that are generally accepted in the culture (Leavitt, 2010). The rest of the culture is mainly dealt with as situations come up using concepts such as accommodation of those ideas that are seemingly foreign. Learning cultural competence is a gradual process. A company may have to wait for the entire (or most) of the workforce to become culturally competent. Once the company gains momentum, it may make cultural competence a requirement for employment. Before this though, a lot of devotion to the learning process along with patience must be employed.
In conclusion, while cultural competence is very important to any workplace, it comes with a variety of challenges especially to the initiating company. These challenges are mostly those that arise due to difficulties in learning, resource allocation, and the change process. The benefits, however, always outweigh the difficulties, and such constraints should not prevent the implementation process.
Eisenberg, J., Lee, H., Bruck, F., Brenner, B., Claes, M., Mironski, J. and Bell, R. 2013. Can business schools make students culturally competent? Effects of cross-cultural management courses on cultural intelligence. Academy of Management Learning \& Education, p.–2012.
Ewoh, A. 2013. Managing and Valuing Diversity: Challenges to Public Managers in the 21st Century. Public Personnel Management, [online] 42(2), pp.107-122. Available at: [Accessed 29 Oct. 2014].
Goodman, N. 2012. Training for cultural competence. Industrial and Commercial Training, 44(1), pp.47–50.
Leavitt, R. 2010. Cultural competence. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc.
Parekh, B. 2000. Rethinking multiculturalism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
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