The purpose of this paper is to examine the greatest challenges often faced by management 
within the fire services with a focus on a specific piece of legislation. This paper should include 
a discussion of the specific legislation and how that legislation can and does impact the way in 
which fire services personnel are managed. An evaluation of the literature will be used to 
develop a topic, problem statement, and conclusion. 
The paper must strictly follow current APA guidelines, be at least 750 words in length in the 
body of the paper, and include, besides the Bible and the course textbook, at least 4 scholarly 
sources, published within the last five years. To achieve the goals of this paper, more than the 
minimum number of sources may be necessary. 
You must clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural/biblical principles and 
personal experience. At a minimum, the following sections are required as content-related graded 
 Introduction 
o Provide a brief introduction about the key elements in the paper. 
 Challenges 
o Provide an in-depth discussion of major challenges facing the fire service 
management. (This is the broad look at the myriad of challenges facing fire 
service administration.) 
 Legislative Environment 
o Provide an in-depth discussion of the variety of legislation that impacts the fire 
services management. (This is the broad look at the variety of pieces of 
legislation, state and federal, that face fire service administration.) 
 Problem Statement (Legislation) 
o Provide an in-depth discussion of one major piece of legislation that most impacts 
fire service management. 
o Preliminary research must be conducted using practitioners, government sources, 
articles, etc., to identify and support the problem. The background must include 
citations from these sources to support your position and problem statement. 
o The problem statement will describe the situation and present issues as well as 
identifying one or more problematic issues. The problem statement must be clear 
and concise (approximately 200 words). 
 Biblical Integration 
o See the Announcement on Scriptural and Biblical Worldview Application for 
 Conclusion and Future Research Requirements 
o Summarize your findings. What are the key points in the references you used with 
regards to how the legislation impacts the management of fire services 
o What type of further research is needed? What or who should be studied (e.g., 
fire chiefs, emergency responders, citizens, etc.)? What geographic area will be 
studied (if any)? Explain why you chose these elements. 
o Why is it important to study this topic? How might this topic impact leadership in 
the fire services? Are there any potential issues with studying this topic?

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