Characteristics mark people as belonging to one class

Characteristics mark people as belonging to one class or another
Characteristics mark people as belonging to one class or another

Characteristics mark people as belonging to one class or another

What characteristics mark people as belonging to one class or another? How does growing up in a particular social class affect one’s self image and expectations in life?

In class on Wednesday, we watched Tammy’s Story:

As you watch this segment, I want you to think carefully about the following two questions:

What characteristics mark people as belonging to one class or another?

How does growing up in a particular social class affect one’s self image and expectations in life?

For this week’s essay, please write up your responses to those two questions while using evidence and examples from the video “Tammy’s Story”

On the document header, please clearly indicate that you are responding to “Essay 5A” or “Essay 5B” and make sure the file you submit is .doc, .docx, or .pdf.

Your response must be between 500-600 words. Submit your finished responses to Canvas before 9am, Friday, February 22nd.

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