Childhood Obesity
Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity

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linked item M6A3: Obesity and the Professional Nurse’s Role Paper
Using the information from this course, your assigned readings, and the article and websites linked below you will develop a 6-10 page paper (excludes cover and reference page) addressing obesity and the role of the professional nurse in addressing teaching and learning needs of patient and families.

A minimum of three (3) current, professional references must be provided. Current references include professional publications or valid and current websites (such as those listed below) dated within 5 years.  Additionally, a textbook that is no more than one edition old may be used.

Article: You “Teach” BUT Does Your Patient REALLY Learn? Basic Principles to Promote Safer Outcomes


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Adolescent and School Health
  • United States Department of Health and Human Services – Dietary
  • United States Department of Health and Human Services – Healthy (select information from the 2020 topics and objectives)

The paper consists of two (2) parts and must be submitted by the close of week six. Each part must be a minimum of three (3) pages in length.

Part 1

Select either adult obesity or childhood obesity and:

  • Explain the health problem specific to the selected population. Be sure to provide supporting evidence, including statistics.
  • Examine the causative factors (include physical, social, and psychological factors).
  • Elaborate on the consequences of obesity in the population you selected. Consider the consequences in terms of physical, social and psychological effects.
  • Discuss whether the effect would be classified as short term or long term.

Part 2

Develop a teaching plan to support the needs of a specific individual from the patient population you selected. Refer to the “Teacher and Counselor” chapter in Taylor et al Fundamentals of Nursing textbook and the article “You teach but does your patient really learn? Basic principles to promote safer outcomes” in order to address the following points:

  • How will you assess the patient’s or learning needs? Be sure to consider barriers in your response.
  • What are the expected outcomes? Include realistic time frames.
  • What information will you teach the patient and why are you selecting this information? Be sure to consider age, gender, culture, religious preferences and learning style.
  • How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching?



Childhood obesity is a major health problem in the 21st century. Recently, its prevalence rate has risen tremendously. The number of children in the US suffering from this monster is beyond proportion. These rates are alarming. If this trend is not addressed by parents, health organization and the governments, our children will continue to suffer innocently. Young children and adolescents are already suffering a great deal. Due to their tender age, it would be totally out of order to blame their food intake capacities and lifestyle in general. (Liebert, 2011, p.161).

Before we dig deep into the basics of obesity and its consequences, we first need to understand what childhood obesity is? By definition, childhood obesity can be defined as a serious medical or health condition that occurs in children and adolescents. Its most observable symptoms/characteristics are excess fats and hyper-gain in weight. The child weighs above the normal weight for his/her height and age. Children obesity is blowing out the US childhood population. Recent statistics indicate that the epidemic is affecting nearly more than 1/3 of the children population in the United States. This directly infers that childhood obesity is the most common chronic disorder in children. The numbers are growing day by day; in fact, it has tripled since 1980. Children of this generation are really suffering. Day in day out, children are admitted in hospitals and health clinics diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes and other morbid obesity associated conditions. (Liebert, 2011, p.162).

Measuring childhood obesity

Body mass index (BMI) is the most effective criterion of monitoring a child’s weight. Calculating the BMI is very simple; it is the square of one’s height divided by his/her weight in relation to specific age brackets. (Scerri, 2012,p.26). As simple as it is, it should be left to the physicians. They are the one trained to properly diagnose and determine the weight of children. The BMI tool approach has become very popular lately. To improve its accuracy in measuring obesity in adolescents and children, the BMI kit is attached with a BMI-for-age percentile chart.

Childhood obesity is a ticking time bomb to the health of affected children. That one extra pound gained sets an innocent child on a path to health complications and problems that were once identified with adults. You can imagine diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure on a 5-year-old boy or girl. Being obese is very challenging to children. Its lowers their self esteem and depresses them during their entire childhood. (Scerri, 2012, p.26).

Various strategies of combating these conditions have been proposed by medics. The best way of inhibiting obesity in children is to improve/check their diet and exercise routines. Regular exercising and healthy eating helps in securing the future of children. It is the responsibility of the entire family to protect children because they are the leaders of tomorrow.

Consequences of childhood obesity

It is a proven fact that ¾ of obese children will continue being obese in their adulthood. (, 2014). These poor kids are also exposed to serious medical risks such as;

  • High cholesterol
  • Heart disease and heart failure
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Cancer and
  • Sleep apnea

Psychological effects

Away from the medical angle, obese children are stigmatized and discriminated socially, in school and other social settings. This damages their self-esteem and personal value. (,2014).

 Causative factors (causes of obesity among children)

Causes of Obesity are so broad; however they can be classified to fit in 5 major categories. They include;

  1. Environmental factors
  2. Heredity and family genetics
  3. Lack of physical activities
  4. Socioeconomic factors
  5. Dietary issues

 Environmental factor

The environment shapes people. Every positive or negative character observed in humans is majorly influenced by his environment. The environment that the child grows up in molds his/her habit way from infancy to adulthood. Talk about television commercials that advocate unhealthy habits and junk eating. This same society is the one demoting the significance of physical activities. In the US, about 40% to 50% of the household’s income meant for food is spent on take -away meals from restaurants, supermarkets, sporting events and cafeterias. Most people in the 21st century do not have time for the kitchen. It is believed that when people eat outside their homes, they usually tend to eat a lot. Juice boxes and sodas taken outdoors also contribute a great extent to the obese menace in children. A 32-ounce bottle of soda contains approximately 400 calories. Scientists have recorded a 60% increased risk of obesity for one soda consumed a day. Boxed drinks, fruit drinks, sport drinks and juice are obesity harbors. In fact 20% of all the obese children are overweight because of excessive intakes of caloric beverages. (,2014).

 Heredity and family genetics

Genetics play a huge role in obesity. Obese parents have obese children. Statistical estimates argue that heredity and family contributes between 6% to 27% of obesity cases. Genes alone do not always dictate obesity in children, but when blended with behaviors learned from parents, obesity becomes inevitable. Therefore, it is the duty of parents to promote healthy lifestyles in their households to reduce the risk of obesity to their kids. (,2014).


Dietary patterns are changing almost every day in all corners of the world. This trend is disappointing because the average numbers of calories taken on daily basis is dramatically increasing. This increase has translated to a drastic fall in the consumption of healthy nutrients in diets. Trending promotions in eateries and modern restaurants like buffets have created overeating cultures in today’s rich urban and middles class population. Children are eating more than they can burn. (,2014).

Socioeconomic status

Adolescents and children from low-income backgrounds are most vulnerable to obesity than uptown rich kids. Children of the have-nots cannot afford engaging in extra-curricular activities because their parents have more important bills to take care of. This reduces their physical activities involvement. Education also plays a big role; the level of education of the parents determines the amount of information about health and healthy living that is at their disposal. Parents with high levels of education will obviously values the importance of checking diets and workouts. These values are then implanted in their children who will in the years to come pass the same traits to their children’s children.

Physical activities

Children of today’s generation are anti-physical. The decrease in the field activities in children is majorly due to technological advances. Computer games, movies, TV, social media and the internet are the order of the day. Physical education has also been neglected in institutions of learning. All these factors have lead adolescents to sedentary lifestyles. The education system is also to blame; the physical education lesson is not taken seriously like other subjects. It is fixed some few minutes once a week and very few high schools and elementary schools in the US have daily physical education classes. (,2014).

Facts on childhood obesity

  1. In the last 30 years obesity in children has doubled while in adolescents it has increased by 400%.
  2. Obese Children aged between 6-11 years in the US increased from 7% (1980) to almost 18%(2012).On the other hand obese adolescents between 12 to 19 years amplified from 5 %to 21%in the same era. (,2014).
  3. In the year 2012, over 1/3 of adolescents and children were obese/overweight.
  4. Obesity is basically bearing excess fat.
  5. “Caloric imbalance” is the cause of obesity/overweight.

Health implications of obesity in children

Obesity in children and adolescents has both short-term and long-term implication on the health and social life of the patient. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are immediate effects. Pre-diabetes conditions in obese adolescents are also prevalent. Joint and bone problems, Sleep apnea, stigma, low-esteem and other social and psychological problems are short-term too. Adult obesity, stroke, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis and other adult health complications are long-term implications. (,2014).


 Developing a teaching/counseling plan for obese children

Taylor and her compatriots in their book, Fundamentals of Nursing, developed a plan that parents and teachers could use to transform/change the behaviors of obese adolescents and children. She begins her approach by identifying the needs of children suffering from obesity. The book advocates healthy eating and the importance of physical activities. It critically evaluates the impact of teaching healthy living. (Taylor et al,1997,p. 100).

In the book she argues that obesity increases as children advance in age. She stresses on the importance of checking children behavior early in their life. As discussed above, most obesity is caused by unhealthy eating habits and minute physical involvement. These two issues cannot be engaged directly. It is very wrong when parents put their kids on diet simply because they are overweight. Changing the behaviors of youngsters is very tricky; it is a multifaceted course of action that demands a lot of serenity and forecast. (Taylor et al,1997,p. 101).

Children at these tender ages cannot comprehend the importance of staying in shape or eating healthy. They will not understand why their parents are denying them sodas and other sweet high calorie delicacies. Their minds are very young hence the phrase “you teach them but do patients really learn.” (Taylor et al,1997,p. 103).

 A teaching plan that supports the needs of obese children and adolescents/primary care

Basics of the counseling/teaching plan

1.Team work; parents, teachers and nurses collaborate and work together.

  1. Cost to the child; 10 to 20 minutes to a primary care office. During the visit, the provider tracks the development and growth of the child while diagnosing nutritional and physical activity guidance to the child/patient.
  2. Sufficient time; the parent/child should provide ample time to the counselor.

Basic principle that promote safe outcomes

  1. Obese children should not be dieted unless a medical practitioner prescribes so for medical reasons.
  2. Maintaining the Child’s current weight should be prioritized in young children as they grow in height normally.
  3. Regular workouts, physical activities and school co-curricular activities.
  4. Reduced video tapes, computer games, ps3 and TV.

These principles are part and parcel of a healthy lifestyle that should be implemented in children early in their life. (Christopher,2014, p. 163).

 How to access and learn the needs of obese children

An obese child is not different from any other child. According to psychology every child undergoes 5 development stages in their childhood that cannot be skipped whatsoever. As the child goes through the 5 stages, he/she satisfies some deep inborn cravings. According to a famous psychologist, Erikson; Obese children must meet the two basic development needs/stages.

  1. Industry vs. Inferiority (6 to 12 years); here, industrious kids acquire pride in accomplished activities and challenges unlike obese children who unfortunately cannot administer simple tasks. This makes them feel inferior.
  2. Identity vs. role confusion (12 to 18 years); at these stage adolescents develop a sense of self worth and personal identity.

The two stages are very vital in the development of any child whether underweight or overweight. Parents and teachers should make sure that obese children undergo the two stages like other normal children in the society. Stigmatization in schools and other social gatherings should the shunned with the strongest terms possible. (Christopher,2014, p. 163).

Expected outcomes after counseling

  1. Decreased weight

A six-month period after the initial visit to the counselor will indicate a great drop in the weight of the child if the recommended prescriptions are followed to the letter. (Christopher,2014, p. 163).

  1. Increased knowledge of nutrition

The child and his family become conscious on their health. They reduce calorie intakes and beverages to ensure healthy living standards. The entire family adopts a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Increased activity;

To burn excess fats, the child engages in more outdoor activities with other children in the surrounding neighborhood.

Information taught to the patient/Obese child and his/her family

Counselor/teacher should give the following advice to the parents/caregivers of obese children;

  • Prioritize good health in the family. Good health does not necessarily mean meeting certain weight goals, it is teaching the family healthy living models and positive attitudes towards physical activities and food without necessary putting any emphasis on body weight. (Benjamin,2013,p.162).
  • Focus on the unity of the family. Obese children should not be sidelined in the running of family chores. Every family member must be engaged towards changing family’s eating habits and physical activities. (Benjamin,2013,p.162).
  • Establish daily snack and meal timetable and dine together frequently. Provide a variety of healthy foods based on young children food guide pyramid.
  • Plan reasonable portions per plate in the dining table.
  • Discourage eating snacks/meals while at the same time watching T.V, these encourages overeating.
  • Limit TV time for the kids, 2hrs a day are enough.
  • Encourage family physical activities such as; bike rides, hike, walks, mountain climbing, skating etc on regular basis. Provide a safe back yard for playing.
  • Make the most of fruits, snacks and vegetables while cutting on beverages like juice and soda.
  • Involves your kids in shopping, planning and preparation of meals in the kitchen.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the lesson

Whether a counseling plan is fruitful or not, depends on documentations of the counselor during the visits of his patients. The counselor gives the obese child/client targets that she/he must work on within a specific period of time. When the child accompanied with his/her family comes for second and subsequent visits, the targets are reviewed. The teacher is able to evaluate the effectiveness of his teaching plan through such follow-ups. (Ogden et al,2014,p. 806


Benjamin, R. (2013). Childhood Obesity: Envisioning a Healthy and Fit Nation. Childhood Obesity (Formerly Obesity and Weight Management), 162-162. (Benjamin,2013,p.162).,. (2014). CDC – Obesity – Facts – Adolescent and School Health. Retrieved 16 November 2014,


Christopher, G. (2014). A New Voice Emerges in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity. Childhood Obesity (Formerly Obesity and Weight Management), 163-163. (Christopher,2014, p. 163).

Global Childhood Obesity Update. (2010). Childhood Obesity (Formerly Obesity and Weight Management), 255-258.

Liebert, M. (2011). Reversing the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity: The Time Is Now! Childhood Obesity  (Formerly Obesity and Weight Management), 161-161.

Ogden ,L. Carroll,D,.Kit ,K,.Flegal,.M. (2014). Prevalence of childhood and adult obesity in the United States, 2011-2012. Journal of the American Medical Association;311(8):806-814.

Sherri, C., & Savona-Ventura, C. (2012). Lifestyle Risk Factors for Childhood Obesity. Childhood Obesity (Formerly Obesity and Weight Management), 25-29. (Scerri,2012,p.26).

Taylor, C., Lillis, C., & Lemon, P. (1997). Fundamentals of nursing: The art and science of nursing care. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven. (Taylor et al,1997,p. 100).

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