Civil Rights Movement in the United States

Civil Rights Movement in the United States Was the success of the Civil Rights Movement due to internal factors( people within the movement) or from outside influence (laws, court cases, government, leaders)?

Civil Rights Movement in the United States
Civil Rights Movement in the United States

1. Using only the “GCSE Modern World History” Book, Second Edition By Ben Walsh, Pages 379-383 (attached).
2. Please answer the following Question:
Was the success of the Civil Rights Movement due to internal factors( people within the movement) or from outside influence (laws, court cases, government, leaders)?
Knowing that:
3. Internal Factors/Within-(revisionist approach) requires a socio-cultural/historiography (using popular media, personal or accounts, non-traditional sources).
4.External Factors/Outside- Requires traditional historiography or sources like official docs, news reports, text overviews..).
5. Use information and examples from the book only Civil Rights Movement in the United States Was the success of the Civil Rights Movement due to internal factors( people within the movement) or from outside influence (laws, court cases, government, leaders)?
Using only the “GCSE Modern World History” Book, Second Edition By Ben Walsh, Pages 379-383 (attached).
Please answer the following Question:
Was the success of the Civil Rights Movement due to internal factors( people within the movement) or from outside influence (laws, court cases, government, leaders)?
Knowing that:
Internal Factors/Within-(revisionist approach) requires a socio-cultural/historiography (using popular media, personal or accounts, non-traditional sources).

Civil Rights Movement in the United States External Factors/Outside

External Factors/Outside- Requires traditional historiography or sources like official docs, news reports, text overviews).
Use information and examples from the book only Was the success of the Civil Rights Movement due to internal factors( people within the movement) or from outside influence (laws, court cases, government, leaders)?
Knowing that:
Internal Factors/Within-(revisionist approach) requires a socio-cultural/historiography (using popular media, personal or accounts, non-traditional sources).
External Factors/Outside- Requires traditional historiography or sources like official docs, news reports, text overviews..).
Use information and examples from the book only

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