Clifford Argument for Knowledge Is Merely True Belief

Clifford Argument for Knowledge Is Merely True Belief 1. Sartwell offers a few examples meant to support his claim that knowledge is merely true belief. Explain one of his examples, and why he takes this to support his claim.

Clifford Argument for Knowledge Is Merely True Belief
Clifford Argument for Knowledge Is Merely True Belief

Do you think the example does help to make it plausible that knowledge is (or might be) merely true belief? Why, or why not? 2. Explain in your own words (a) Clifford’s argument for evidentialism and (b) at least one important objection that James presents against evidentialism. Do you think James’ objection(s) are convincing? Why, or why not? 3. Explain in your own words Plantinga’s argument for the conclusion that some religious beliefs may be properly basic. Do you find his argument convincing? Why, or why not? 3 sources provided

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