Climate policies and strategies for automobiles

Climate policies and strategies for automobiles
        Climate policies and strategies for                                      automobiles

Climate policies and strategies for automobiles

The project involves developing comprehensive climate policies and strategies for automobiles (cars).

The project involves developing comprehensive climate policies and strategies for automobiles (cars).

In your report you need to analyze the automobile industry in terms of global industry structure and concentration, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trends, the technological environment, the regulatory and policy environment, emissions reporting and carbon disclosure of firms in the automobile sector.

You also need to identify firm-level emissions reductions strategies, risks and opportunities, barriers to reducing emissions, develop a renewable energy strategy and a stakeholder engagement framework at the level of the firm.

Based on your analysis of the climate impact of each sector you need to propose a list of recommendations to policy makers, corporate managers and green NGOs about how to reduce overall GHG emissions in the relevant sector as well as identify climate adaptation strategies.

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