Clinical Excellence
Clinical Excellence
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Clinical Excellence
During this week’s paper, you will focus on clinical excellence.
Building on work done in the clinical practicum setting this week, and looking toward work with the Evidence base practice (EBP), address these questions:
1. How do you define quality and excellence?
2. What ethical principles are reflected in your definition?
3. How is quality and excellence defined and measured in your specialty practice area? ( Family Nurse Practitioner) Explain some of the methods for providing clinical excellence in your specialty as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
4. What ethical considerations are taken into account in terms of quality in your specialty practice area? ( Family Nurse practitioner )
5. What professional organizations set standards of excellence, influencing the ability to give excellent care at the system, organizational, and individual level?
6. What quality measures will you focus on for your EBP, and how will you measure these?
The writer will take into consideration that they specialty area is Family Nurse Practitioner, and all response must be taking into consideration regarding that specialty. Also the writer must not use any article older than 5 years as this is an evidence base practice course meaning all information must be current. The writer must continuously support the facts with pear review articles using in text citations throughout the entire paper. APA 6th edition will be use in written this paper and the writer must pay close attention to all details responding to all the questions above in details and using paragraphs. They are 6 questions and the writer should use 6 paragraphs to respond to the 6 questions clearly and in detail using pear review article of not more than 6 years old
Nurse to Nurse Evidence-Based Practice
• Chapter 1: “Journey to Excellence in Patient Care”
Clinical quality refers to the effectiveness and the extent to which the nurse practitioners carry out clinical interventions as they are supposed to be executed. It involves the improvement and maintenance of patients’ health to ensure they secure the best possible health gains from the available resources (Kaakinen et al, 2014). In the clinical care nursing domain, excellence in the nursing practice will refer to the dynamic process integrating the best practical and theoretical knowledge in each patient encounter. It will involve the efficient ability to promote the wellbeing and health of all the clients seeking medication. Caring in action will define the clinical excellence as it is expected that optimal health outcomes for the patients are achieved.
There are various ethical principles reflected in the definition of quality and excellence in clinical practices. The principle of non-maleficence is reflected in the definition of quality where the nurses remain competent to ensure the services are efficiently offered to the patients while providing the best possible care (Kaakinen et al, 2014). The Principle of Totality and integrity is also reflected in the definition of quality and excellence where the nurse is supposed to consider the most appropriate medication, therapies, and procedures to follow while caring for the patients. Quality and excellence will entail the achievement of the optimal best health outcomes for the patients. In this case, the principle of beneficence is reflected in the definitions where the nurse should perform tasks that are of best interest to the patients. The definition of quality and excellence has reflected the ethical principle of delivering care in a manner that preserves the patients’ rights, autonomy and also dignity (Kleinpell, 2013).
There are various ways of measuring quality and excellence in the family nurse practitioner area. Quality practices in the family nurse practitioner area are defined as the set of tasks prioritized to drive measurable health improvements (Kleinpell, 2013). The area of family nurse practitioner defines excellence as the critical ability to exercise the professional and clinical judgment. Quality and excellence will be measured regarding health outcomes, clinical processes performed, patient engagements and also coordination of care. The basis of adherence to the clinical guidelines and efficient use of the healthcare resources is also used in the measurement of quality and excellence in clinical practices. There are various methods and ways to ensure clinical excellence in the area of family nurse practitioner. Practiced-based on the best available evidence is one way of practicing excellence. Maximization of health gain through clinical effectiveness by providing services and treatment when needed by the patients is the strategy of providing clinical excellence in family nurse practitioner area (Potter et al, 2013). Observance of paternalism and fidelity during the performance of tasks is key to enhancing clinical excellence. Enactment of the full scope of the nurse practitioner practice is a way of ensuring that clinical excellence is provided to the patients.
In the family nurse practitioner specialty, several ethical considerations are made during efforts to enhance quality in this area. Maintenance of the professional patient-nurse and therapeutic relationship is considered. The ethical consideration of maintaining the confidentiality of patients within the regulatory and legal parameters is crucial (Potter et al, 2013). In the family nurse practitioner, delivering of care in a way that preserves the rights, autonomy, and dignity of the patients is a vital ethical consideration. Reporting of incompetent, impaired or illegal practice is an ethical consideration take into account regarding quality performance in the family nurse practitioner area of specialty. These considerations should be observed as per the provisions in the family nurse practitioner specialty.
Professional organizations have some specific set standards of excellence. The quality of practices and professional practices evaluation is one standard influencing excellence. The Family nurse practitioner is expected to enhance effectiveness in various tasks and also efficiently evaluates the practices about relevant regulations, statutes and also rules (Melnyk et al, 2011). The standard of collaboration is ensured where the nurse is expected to interact and collaborate with the family, the patients in their practices and integrate them into their decision-making process. The standard influences excellence by smoothing the nursing operations. The ethics standards are set during the efforts to ensure excellence where the nurse practitioners should integrate the ethical provisions in all tasks and area of practice. The standards of resource utilization in the organization also influences excellence in the delivery of services as nurse will effectively consider the factors related to cost, safety effectiveness and the impact on practice in the delivery and planning of nursing services (Melnyk et al,2011).
The appropriate health outcomes, effective clinical processes and also the care coordination will be the main quality measures to be considered while focusing on the evidence-based practices. Measurement of quality regarding health outcomes will be done depending on the assessment of the patient adherence to medication and the recovery rate. The care coordination focused on for my evidence-based practices will be measured regarding the collaboration/integration rate and response to clinical services provided to the patient (Kleinpell, 2013). The strength of the nurse-patient relationship will also be used to measure the effective coordination. The effectiveness of the clinical practices used for measurement of quality will be measured regarding clinical improvements in the Family nurse practitioner specialty.
Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., Tabacco, A., & Hanson, S. M. H. (2014). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research. FA Davis.
Kleinpell, R. M. (2013). Outcome assessment in advanced practice nursing. Springer Publishing Company.
Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (Eds.). (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P., & Hall, A. (2013). Fundamentals of nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.
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