Clockwork Orange’ and ‘Arkangel’

Clockwork Orange' and 'Arkangel'
Clockwork Orange’ and ‘Arkangel’

Clockwork Orange’ and ‘Arkangel’

Clockwork Orange’ and ‘Arkangel‘ both feature young central characters whose ability to feel and act has been interfered with by science and technology.

Clockwork Orange’ and ‘Arkangel’

Write an essay exploring why this is represented as dystopic in both films, even though the instigators (the State in A Clockwork Orange and the mother in Arkangel ) clearly think they are ushering in a utopic age where the safety of citizens is paramount.

Clockwork Orange’ and ‘Arkangel’

Make sure your analysis includes your assessment of the culture of control and surveillance we are currently living in and your thoughts on how effectively both films portray this particular message to their audiences.

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