Coca cola Competitiveness and Marketing Challenges

Coca cola Competitiveness and Marketing Challenges This order consists of two individual posts based on the text file attached.

Coca cola Competitiveness and Marketing Challenges
Coca cola Competitiveness and Marketing Challenges

For your 1st original post, pick one of the eleven soft drinks and explain to the group and the instructor how you think the selected soft drink firm should market its products against Coca-Cola For your 2nd original post, select another of the eleven that you think has the biggest challenge in marketing its products against Coca-Cola and explain why it is facing such a daunting task. Coca-Cola has reigned for years as the world’s No. 1 brand, but last year both Apple and Google overtook it in Interbrand’s annual ranking. The first lady, Michelle Obama, is on a campaign against obesity, urging Americans to drink more water.

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