Collaboration in Salud Term Paper

Collaboration in Salud Term Paper Order Instructions: Discussion – Week 8
Collaboration in “Salud” and in Your Group Work

Public health is basCollaboration in Salud Term Paper

Collaboration in Salud Term Paperbased largely on collaboration and partnership—within an organization and with various community groups, individuals, and other entities. For leaders, finding ways to motivate and problem-solve with others in pursuit of a common goal can both inspiring and challenging.


Review the different kinds of collaborations and partnerships among organizations and stakeholders that were described in the video documentary Salud, and consider which were the most effective in achieving the public health goals. Then reflect on the group work you have engaged in so far in this course, and assess your experiences in light of what you have been learning about collaboration, partnership, and leadership within an organization. What lessons can you point to in the video, as well as in your own group work, about what makes for successful collaboration?


1. Identify at least two specific strategies for collaboration or partnership with stakeholders and organizations shown in the video Salud and explain why they succeeded or failed, based on the principles you have learned about this week.

2. How has it been to work in a group so far in this class? Describe one or two specific strategies you have used so far in your group work to motivate others for collaborative problem-solving and decision-making. How well have these worked? Identify also one notable instance of a strategy any of your group members have used.

3. Compare/contrast these with strategies you saw in Salud. Are there any lessons from this documentary you can apply in your group work?


1. Field, C. (Director/Producer), & Reed, C. (Producer). (2006). ¡Salud!: Part 2 Decatur, GA: Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba.
©MEDICC, 2006 – All Rights Reserved –

2. Field, C. (Director/Producer), & Reed, C. (Producer). (2006). ¡Salud!: Part 3 Decatur, GA: Medical Education
Cooperation with Cuba.
©MEDICC, 2006 – All Rights Reserved –

Please apply the Application Assignment Rubric when writing the Paper.

I. Paper should demonstrate an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the texts.

II. Paper provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other sources, and discerning ideas.

III. Paper should be well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style, uses original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with doctoral level writing style.

IV. Paper should be mostly consistent with doctoral level writing style.

Collaboration in Salud Term Paper Sample Answer


Collaboration among all people is essential for efficient delivery in the public health sectors. Collaboration has various strategies which are distinct in their outcomes. In the video Salud, two specific collaboration strategies are identified, including coalition, voluntary services and community partnerships. The health ministry and other government sectors collaborated to establish solutions that went beyond curative services. From the strategies observed in the study, there is shared domain of responsibility. The medical practitioners in Cuba shared knowledge instead of competing each other. Their success is attributed to the fact that there was no use of advocacy, exclusion or hierarchal. Their strategies de-emphasized power and status among the participants and encouraged collective ownership (Field &Reed, 2006).

Working in groups is an essential strategy for interactive learning. The collaboration strategies and principles were of massive support to the team.  The group applied network collaborative strategies; the model entailed of consultative feedback between the team. Every individual had equal opportunity to present their ideas. The group had clear structure and expectations of the project. These included highlighting two things whose progress seemed alright, ideas that required improvement. This training facilitated the idea that health workers should not work in isolation from other disciplines during legislative process or soliciting funds from government or private institutions. Additionally, themes such as mutual respect, cultural competence, capacity building and sustainable leadership prevailed (Upvall &Leffers, 2014).

Evidently, collaboration provides a powerful intervention to respond to complex issues that are irresolvable by isolated efforts. Lessons learnt from the video are that collaboration efforts succeeds only if there is shared goals, all inclusive with zero hierarchical participation. There should be room for negotiation and people are kept up to date as situations arise (Upvall &Leffers, 2014).

Collaboration in Salud Term Paper References

Field C&Reed, C. (2006) Salud! Part 2 Decatur, GA: Medical Educational cooperation with Cuba. Retrived on January 18th, 2015 from []

Field C&Reed, C. (2006) Salud! Part 3 Decatur, GA: Medical Educational cooperation with Cuba. Retrived on January 18th, 2015 from []

Upvall, M., &Leffers, J. (2014) Global health nursing: building and sustaining partnerships. Springer publishing company, New York.

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