Collective Efficiacy and Political Capital

Collective Efficiacy and Political Capital
Collective Efficiacy and Political Capital

Collective Efficiacy and Political Capital

The form of capital bordieu, Political Capital Johannesburg, and Collective Efficacy and Political Capital

Articles: The form of capital bordieu, Political Capital Johannesburg, and Collective Efficacy and Political Capital.

USE THESE QUESTIONS: 1. How does Bourdieu’s conceptualization of cultural capital jive with your lived experience (the interactions you observe in daily life:coming from a working class family in college)?

  1. What is Kingston’s ultimate critique of cultural capital and it’s explanations of social mobility? Can we use community resilience and community development theories to mitigate this short-coming? Explain.
  2. Why do Mcdconald et al. argue that political capital and collective efficacy are necessary pre-conditions for addressing the issues of rural decline?
  3. According to Benit-Gbaffou and Katsaura what is a key difference between community and elected leaders? How is political capital leveraged in their respective action for community building?

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