Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Order Instructions: In a one-page word document offer constructive criticism using peer review articles to support your points.

It is important that the read the article below and then give feedback, and avoid using “I agree and you are correct, but develop cohesive one-page documents that critically analyze the article. A reference list should be included at the end of the paper.
Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Abstract
Portfolio management requires leadership that understands a strategy and the people required to make the strategy function. There are certain qualities or principles that benefit leaders in portfolio management. The authors Luntz and Laufer provide principles and practices aligned with leadership models that can assist in measuring portfolio performance.
Portfolio Management
The various texts on winning and leadership are utilized for portfolio management. The application of Luntz’s principles to portfolio management will assist in the alignment with measuring portfolio performance. Laufer’s text will also be utilized to connect Luntz’s principles to Laufer’s leadership practices.
Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Paradigm Breakers
Focusing on the Luntz principle of paradigm-breaking is a key differentiator when building a portfolio of projects to manage. In-line with this week’s learning objectives, the reader is told to remove themselves from the world they inhabit and embrace something different to see the same thing in a different light. This is what Luntz is saying when he discusses paradigm breakers, Luntz states that you have to clear your mind of past failures and preconceptions and focus anew on ground-breaking ideas (Luntz, 2011, p. 78). One must think outside of the box to create a viable portfolio of lasting projects to manage accordingly. When Henry Ford put the Model T into mass production, he created a car that was affordable to the working class man, which in turn was a transformational shift that helped spearhead the auto industry through transformational leadership. Laufer touches on paradigm breakers in his practice of challenging the status-quo. Challenging the status quo might significantly change the fate of the project and is the essence of project leadership (Laufer, 2012, p. 218). Both challenging the status quo and paradigm breakers involve transformational leadership that requires the leader to pursue a new idea. The key performance measurement for the paradigm shift is to see how well the change or new idea performs; examples of this are the acceptance of the Model T and the later models that came after requiring further transformational leadership through the years.
Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Conclusion
Luntz and Laufer both discuss aspects of leadership that benefit portfolio management. The performance measurement for portfolio management is based on the success of the new ideas through transformational leadership. The key to the performance measurement is measuring the performance over time as paradigm shifts and the changing of status quo takes time to fully change, so results may not be seen immediately.
Laufer, A. (2012). Mastering the leadership role in project management: Practices that deliver
remarkable results. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press.
Luntz, F. I. (2011). Win: The key principles to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary.
New York, NY: Hyperion
Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio Sample Answer
Comments and Constructive Criticism
Portfolio Management
The element of portfolio management and its requisition of leadership in initiating an effective strategy that incorporates human resource in making the strategy function efficiently are clearly cultivated in this article. It is essential to note the essence of give a concise definition of portfolio management and its correlation to leadership (Laufer, 2012). However, it would have been efficient to detail the specific qualities and principles that would be of benefit to the leaders in the process of portfolio management as disclosed by Luntz and Laufer.
Drawing the attention of the paradigm breakers, the student slightly gives a definition of this element and its relations to portfolio management. The article however discusses paradigm breakers and the manner in which project managers need to incorporate this element in managing projects (Luntz, 2011). This element according to the article requires the creation of a viable approach in a project as Henry Ford indicated in the mass production of Model T. The article uses a clear example of the creation of a car that meets the needs of a particular segment within the market, a factor that resulted in a trans-formative shift achieved through transformational leadership.
There is a need to clearly detail the issues that managers are bound to encounter in challenging the paradigm breakers and status quo and the manner in which effective leadership qualities play a significant role in the process (Luntz, 2011). This is clearly addressed by the student that takes a different turn in inclusively detailing the key aspects of performance management in a paradigm shift and the changes that are expected in the process. The student therefore would make improvements in the article by clearly addressing some of the areas pointed out in this critique.
Comments and Constructive Criticism Portfolio References
Laufer, A. (2012). Mastering the leadership role in project management: Practices that deliver
Luntz, F. I. (2011). Win: The key principles to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary.
New York, NY: Hyperion
Remarkable results. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press.