Comments on posts on Health Research Topics

Comments on posts on Health Research Topics
Comments on posts on Health Research Topics

Comments on posts on Health Research Topics

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For this paper, they just want the writer to comments on the different sections starting from A-D. they writer will be polite and gentle in his or her critic of the post, and it is important that the writer use at least one credible source to support his or her point in APA and reference it at the end of that section. No cutting and pasting , watch out for plagiarism and each section should at least be a paragraph. use the same paper , and respond at the end of each section .

will upload it in the file section so that the format does not change since it has boxes


In At least 1 paragraph, comments on each of this post with at least one citation, offering your thoughts about the post, or expanding on some points that you felt needed some more thoughts and explanation. Avoid cutting and pasting use proper paraphrasing in this paper, and complete each section by writing the reference list in APA before going to the next section. Importantly you have to support each respond with a credible source and reference it at the end of that section .


What are your thoughts and comments about this post?

According to Bowell and Cannon (2014), data can be classified using measurement scales.  There are four that are commonly used; nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio (Boswell & Cannon, 2014).

Type of Data Sample Statistical Procedure
Nominal:  Data are categorized or labeled without any intrinsic ordering to the categories (Plichta & Kelvin, 2013). Classifying people according to their gender. Chi-square test

One sample t-test

Ordinal:  Data are placed in the order of what is important or significant (Plichta & Kelvin, 2013). Researchers measuring the level of satisfaction in patient wait times in the ER. Mann-Whitney U test

Kruskal-Wallis test

Interval:  Data has the identical interpretation throughout, the order and the exact differences between the values are known (Plichta & Kelvin, 2013).  There is no absolute zero (Bowell & Cannon, 2014). The difference between a temperature of 38*C and 39*C is 1 degree. Student t-tests

Pearson correlation

McNemar’s test

Mann-Whitney test

Ratio:  Data has an absolute zero and represents equal units (Plichta & Kelvin, 2014). The time it takes for nursing students to hang IV fluids Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Central Tendency


Having the position of wound nurse in a skilled nursing facility, the use of evidence-based practice protocol has played a major role in how wounds are properly cared for.  Recently, a resident returned to the facility with orders for wound care that contradict evidence-based practice to appropriate wound therapy.  Another skilled nursing facility had used this wound care technique, leading to a citation for inappropriate wound care.  According to Bolton (2005) to improve patient outcomes and to answer common clinical issues evidence based practices need to be utilized.  These strategies not only provide tools to give the best patient care, but also the development of cost-effective care (Bolton, 2005).


Bolton, L. (2005).  Evidence-based medicine?  Advanced skin wound care. 18(3).  126-128.

Boswell, C., & Cannon, S. (2014).  Introduction to nursing research:  Incorporating evidence-based practice (3rd ed.).  Burlington, MA:  Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Plichta, S., & Kelven, E. (2013).  Munro’s statistical methods for health care research (6th ed.).  Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Respond here with in one paragraph minimum with at least one citation in APA

While the writer states that the ratio, interval, ordinal, and nominal measurement scales are the commonly used, my take is that these are the only measurement scales. I agree with the writer that nominal scales have no intrinsic ordering; ordinal scales follow order; interval scales have no absolute zero and the exact variation between values is known; and the ratio scale has an absolute zero. I admire the fact that the writer acknowledges the significance of evidence-based practice in leading the nursing practice. The practice improves patient outcomes and assists in answering the common clinical issues. It also promotes cost-effective care. However, the writer should have emphasized on the strong link that exists between the collected data and evidence-based practice. In this case, the credibility of the data should be a key factor. Individual patient care is also emphasized through the practice (Moorhead, 2013).


Moorhead, S. (2013). Nursing outcomes classification (NOC): Measurement of health outcomes. St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier/Mosby.


What are your thoughts on this post ?

Type of Data Example Statistical Procedure
Nominal (numerical values to identify or label values for coding of variables) Survey of Gender, Religion, or Ethnicity Numerical Values for

Gender: Male or Female

Ethnicity: Caucasian, African American, Asian, Hispanic,Other


Binomial, Chi-square, Fisher’s exact test, McNemar, and Factorial logistic regression are just some examples used under Nominal statistical value

Ordinal (designed to show representation of measurements of no true zero value but to align them in a meaningful order from a lower category or rank to a higher rank) Ranking of military, depression  ratings, rating pain Pain scale

could use the Likert scale with 0-3 with 0 be no pain and 3 be severe pain


Median, Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test, Kruskall Wallis, and Friedman test are just some examples used under Ordinal statistical value

Interval (no true zero and are represented with equal numerical intervals between the values which allows for researchers to add and subtract equally across the scale to gain an observable measure) GRE, SATs, MCAT, Fahrenheit degrees 98 degrees temperature


480 reading score on SAT and 500 on math for SAT


T-test, Wilcoxin-Mann Whitney test, Kruskall Wallis, ANOVA, Friedman, and ordered logistic regression are just some examples under Interval statistical value

Ratio (combining the values of the interval system with the combination of a true zero value allowing for equal intervals between each value representation) Weight, pulse, Blood pressure, height Zeroing the bed upon arrival of a CHF patient to ensure that accuracy of weights and follow up weights


Multiple regression, MANOVA, factor analysis, T-test and paired t-test, ANOVA, and canonical correlation are just some examples under Ratio statistical value

UCLA (2014).

Quantitative analysis uses numerical values to define and explain the outcomes that have been represented by the research and can commonly be referred to as statistical analysis (Boswell & Cannon, 2014). Numeric data that make up and represent these areas of quantitative analysis can be classified into four divisions of measurement scales: Interval, Nominal, Ordinal, and Ratio. Interval scales has no true zero and are represented with equal numerical intervals between the values which allows for researchers to add and subtract equally across the scale to gain an observable measure (Plichta & Kelvin, 2013). Some common examples that can be used for interval scales are standardized tests such as the SAT, MCAT, and the GRE scores. The nominal scale is used as a measurement device to apply numerical values to identify or label values for coding of variables (Boswell & Cannon, 2014). Some common examples of these types of coding that may be applied under nominal scales may be numerical values for religion, gender, or ethnicity. These numbers are not concerned or represented in any particular order. This may be used to measure values in nursing staff when taking statistics for survey ratios on gender and applying a numerical value. Ordinal measurements are designed to show representation of measurements of no true zero value but to align them in a meaningful order from a lower category or rank to a higher rank (Plichta & Kelvin, 2013). Some common examples of this would be to rankings in military or to use this in the healthcare field to rate pain, depression, or satisfaction. A zero can be used as a ranking scale in this instance but does not mean that it is valued as a zero. A Likert scale can be used to compare pain rating scales even though a zero may used on this rating scale it may not be classified as a true zero and the other values in ranking based on the value of pain. The ratio scale can be described as combining the values of the interval system with the combination of a true zero value allowing for equal intervals between each value representation (Plichta & Kelvin, 2013). Common examples of this scale would be to describe patient’s weight, pulse, and blood pressure. All of the following examples at the measurement of zero represent the absence of the device being measure or the measurement in question and without the result being “zero-ed” the number can’t be accurately assumed (Plitcha & Kelvin, 2013). For instance, when a patient is admitted to a hospital, and they are entering with a diagnosis of CHF we must obtain a baseline weight by zeroing the bed to get a baseline weight to make sure that the following weights are therefore accurate on the ratio scale. Statistics may be used in our own evidence based practice because through research and data analysis the numeric values help to explain the outcomes of the research at hand. These statistics can help to display the way that variables can be differentiated and utilized to represent the statistical data based on how we chose to measure the device as deemed appropriate. With the appropriate measures of the scales and quantitative analysis from the data it can gain great insight to nursing for the future.


Boswell, C., Cannon, S. (2014). Quantitative Analysis. In B. Boswell and S. Cannon (3rd ed.), Introduction to nursing Research: Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice (pg. 338-362).

Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Likert-type Scales, Statistical Methods, and Effect Sizes (2012). Communications of the ACM, 55(5), 6-7. doi:10.1145/2160718.2160721

Plichta, S.B. & Kelvin, E.A. (2013). Organizing, Displaying, and Describing Data. In B. S. Plichta and E. Kelvin (6th ed.), Munro’s Statistical Methods for Health Care Research (22-25). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

UCLA (2014). Institute for Digital Research and Education: What Statistical Analysis Should I Use? Retrieved from:

Respond here with in one paragraph minimum with at least one citation in APA

The writer amazingly defines the nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. On the same note, I consider the examples given to be perfect. However, my take is that the statistical procedure should be as follows; nominal (mode), ordinal (median and mode), interval (arithmetic mean, mode, median, range, and standard deviation), and ratio (mode, median, arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, coefficient of variation, and studentized range) (Ingham-Broomfield, 2008). I agree with the writer that quantitative analysis utilizes numerical values and the numeric data used is normally, ratio, interval, nominal, and ordinal. Agrreably, interval scales have no true zero. The ordinal values have a meaningful order.

Additionally, nominal scales can simply be referred to as names or labels, are mutually exclusive, have no overlap, and there is no numerical significance. Ordinal scales can simply be remembered through the word order. Ratio scales is the overall measurement scale (Ingham-Broomfield, 2008).


Ingham-Broomfield, R. (2008). A nurses’ guide to the critical reading of research. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(1), 102-109.


What are your thoughts on this section below?

Identification of questions about practice and patient outcomes is becoming a mainstream function in modern nursing practice (Siedlecki, 2008). Today’s nurses are being challenged to ask why phenomena occur in the healthcare setting and healthcare providers should be concerned with the acquisition of evidence with which to base their practice models. The PICOT question format is useful for quantitative research because it defines essential elements which must be in place for valid study framework (Boswell & Cannon, 2014). The nature of quantitative studies is to examine etiologies for experiences through the use of numeric and scientifically collected data (Pierce, 2009). In the discussion question, the adult clients with CHF and the other adult clients on the cardiac unit are the independent variables measured in a nominal scale to describe the existence of CHF and the absence of CHF upon admission. The dependent variable in the presence of a nosocomial infection also measured nominally for the presence of the infection. The chi-square test would be acceptable for this study as it is used to determine the relationship that may or may not exist between nominally measured variables in a study (Boswell & Cannon, 2014). The chi-square test will provide the statistical answers about the development of nosocomial infections in the population sample admitted with CHF.

Boswell, C., & Cannon, S. (2014). PICOT, Problem Statement, Research Question, and Hypothesis. In C.B. Boswell & S.C. Cannon (Eds.).  Introduction to nursing research: incorporating evidence-based practice (6th Ed.).  Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Pierce, L.L. (2009). Twelve steps for success in the nursing research journey. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40(4), 154-163.

Siedlecki, S.L. (2008). Making a difference through research. Association of Operating Room Nurses Journal, 88(5), 716-

Respond here with one paragraph minimum with at least one citation in APA

It is impressive that the writer was keen to mention that nurses’ concern about patient outcomes and practice is very key in the present day healthcare environment. There is also a major concern as to why phenomena occur and how credible evidence can be acquired so as to promote the evidence-based practice. It is noteworthy that the writer recommended the PICOT questions for a valid study framework in quantitative studies (Giuliano & Polanowicz, 2008). Moreover, the writer is keen to note that quantitative studies use scientific and numeric methods of data collection. In the PICOT question, the writer identified the variable to be the nosocomial infection (dependent variable) while the independent variables are CHF patients and other cardiac patients. My take is that the cardiac unit is another dependent variable since there are other patients suffering from other diseases but are in other units. I also agree that the Ch-square test is more appropriate for the study.


Giuliano, K., & Polanowicz, M. (2008). Interpretation and use of statistics in nursing research. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 19(2), 211–222


What are your thoughts on this section below ?

PICOT questions help to process and formulate quantitative data through problem statements conducted by the designated appropriate acronym that has been created to help nurses and researchers place together important foundations and fundamental parts of these problem statements (Boswell & Cannon, 2014). When breaking down the acronym: P stands for population of interest, I stands for intervention, C stands for comparison, O stands for the outcomes of the data analysis, and T stands for time that has elapsed to achieve the outcomes during the process (Stillwell, Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, & Williamson, 2010). PICOT can help nurses better understand research topics by bringing together the topics within the literature for review and allowing for researcher to gain insight into new perspectives and etiologies, predictions, or therapies that can change the course of our care and thinking. Variables are the measurement or value for which a certain characteristic is being recorded or measured to display value or meaning (Plichta & Kelvin, 2013). When using the problem statement as described above, “Adult clients who are admitted to the cardiac unit with congestive heart failure are more likely to develop nosocomial infections than other cardiac clients admitted to the cardiac unit,” it is important to try and determine the independent and dependent variables of the above statement and break it apart from the above PICOT setting to best understand the quantitative data. For the PICOT I chose the etiology setting as it seemed fit for this question due to the risks factors and relation to the conditions described under the segments by Stillwell et. al, (2010).

P- patients admitted to the hospital
C- without CHF
O-higher risk for developing nonsocial infections
T- time of stay in cardiac unit

The Independent variable: CHF clients and non CHF clients are the two independent variables because they are two classifications that are chosen and both stand alone and are not changed due to the other variable.

The Dependent variable: Is the nosocomial infection because this factor could change based on several measures being studied and as per the question this is the key factor that is to be studied.

I believe that the level of measurement for both will use the nominal scale due to the fact that it probably will include patient identification, gender, with no indication of order for number representation (Boswell & Cannon, 2014). When reviewing the data accumulated from the resources from UCLA (2014) chart of statistics for 2 independent values and one dependent value under the categorical or nominal would result in a: Factorial logistic regression, multiple logistic regression, or a discriminate analysis statistical test for these results.

Boswell, C., & Cannon, S. (2014). Introduction to Nursing Research: Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice. (3rd ed.). Burlington, WA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Plichta, S.B. & Kelvin, E.A. (2013).Organizing, Displaying, and Describing Data. In B. S. Plichta and E. Kelvin (6th ed.), Munro’s Statistical Methods for Health Care Research (22-25). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Stillwell, S., Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B., & Williamson, K. (2010). Evidence-based practice, step by step: asking the clinical question: a key step in evidence-based practice. The American Journal Of Nursing, 110(3), 58-61. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000368959.11129.79

UCLA (2014). Institute for Digital Research and Education: What Statistical Analysis Should I Use? Retrieved from:

Respond here with one paragraph minimum with at least one citation in APA

I agree with the writer that the PICOT questions are particularly useful in quantitative studies. Another noteworthy statement is that problem statements are developed using designated proper acronym and this is very useful in ensuring that the fundamental parts and foundations of the study are incorporated. The writer argues that the PICOT questions are useful when reviewing literature so as to identify new research areas (Boswell, Boswell & Cannon, 2014).  The definition of the acronym PICOT can really be useful to readers without knowledge on the same. This writer also identifies the independent variable to be the non CHF patients in the cardiac unit and CHF patients while the dependent variable is the nosocomial infection. I agree with the writer that the nominal scale is the most appropriate measurement level. However, I would suggest the use of Chi-square test as opposed to the tests recommended by the writer.


Boswell, C., Boswell, C., & Cannon, S. (2014). Introduction to nursing research: Incorporating evidence-based practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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