Community Health Needs Assessment

Community Health Needs Assessment For this assignment, you will need to select one of the needs assessment reports in BrightSpace (Week 5 content area) and answer the following questions.

Community Health Needs Assessment
Community Health Needs Assessment

Be sure to submit both the questions and answers.
What was the agency that conducted the assessment?
Who/What was the defined community for the assessment?

Community Health Needs Assessment Instructions

What was the demographic makeup of the community?
What methodology was used to conduct the community health needs assessment?
Was the community involved in any way with the needs assessment? If so, how?
Based on what was reported, was the needs assessment tailored in any way from a health equity, diversity perspective to the defined community?
Did the agency assess any of the different types of needs that were discussed in Chapter 4? If so, what type(s) of needs were you able to identify from the report?
What type(s) of data was reported from the needs assessment?
What were the top priority areas for the community that emerged based on the needs assessment results?
Based on the results, use the public health pyramid and identify any interventions across the pyramid that could be implemented for one of the priority areas.
Thinking like a planner, discuss anything you would have added, done differently etc. if you had been involved in conducting the needs assessment.

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