Community & Public Health Nursing, HIV

Community & Public Health Nursing, HIV
Community & Public Health Nursing, HIV

Community & Public Health Nursing, HIV

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W1 Clinical Assignment:
Define the Community at Risk
During your practicum you will use the follow guidelines to complete your final project and a community teaching project and paper.
Identify the target population Definition of the risk or problem and the significance ( e.g. teenage pregnancy, HIV, obesity).


Community & Public Health Nursing: HIV

The target population

The target population for this community teaching project will be all sexually active members of the community.   This means that the married, divorced, separated and single adults as well as adolescents and commercial sex workers will be involved in this project. HIV knows not age, class, race, ethnicity, religion or even profession. It has the capability of infecting any sexually active individual who engages in irresponsible sexual behaviour with multiple partners. Information and awareness creation on HIV is therefore very essential for the young, the middle-aged and old members of the community (Crawford, Caldwell, Bush, Browning & Thornton, 2012).This population has been chosen because it is at the highest risk of being infected with HIV. The population will therefore be empowered with important information regarding HIV with the aim of reducing and eventually stopping new infections, caring for and treatment of those already living with the disease.

Definition of the problem

HIV has been a problem that has given medical researchers sleepless nights for so many years. It is indeed a great challenge for members of different communities given that up to date, there is no known cure for it. Everybody is at risk of HIV infection given that it is very difficult to tell whether one is infected or not unless a medical test is conducted. As for young people particular those going through there adolescence, the risk of infection is even greater because they lack adequate information on reproductive health and they are also likely to involve themselves in risky sexual behaviour due their strong peer influence. Adults who are married are not safe from HIV either. This is because a good number of married couples have been found to engage in extra marital affairs which have actually predisposed them to the risk of HIV infection. This means that HIV is silently spreading in marriages which were initially thought to be relatively safe. Infants have also not been left out due to the risk of mother to child transmission. Infection with HIV is not a barrier for women to get pregnant and therefore it would be important to educate expectant mother whether living with HIV or not on how they can protect their new born babies from acquiring this deadly virus (Sepúlveda, 2012). Another very common problem that relates to HIV in the community is stigmatisation of those who are living with the virus. Many HIV positive individuals have reportedly been living in fear or even hiding from other members of the society. This is a very serious problem that has also prevented them from accessing their medication which has led to further deterioration of their health.


This project will play a very crucial role not only to members of the community but also to the public health and nursing profession. Members of the community will be able to learn a lot pertaining to HIV and with such kind of information, new infections will have a significant decline if not a complete halt. This is because some new infections usually occur as a result of ignorance and the moment awareness is created among community members, such cases will definitely decrease. The project will also enable community members to learn about home-based care of people living with HIV since it is a chronic disease. It would also be important for people to be informed about the signs and symptoms of HIV so that they can seek early medical attention before the virus advances in their bodies. Most importantly, the project will be encouraging people to go for frequent voluntary counselling and testing for HIV so that can get to know their status and take appropriate action. Those who test positive for the virus will of course be counselled and prepared to start antiretroviral therapy where as those who test negative will be enlightened on how they can continue protecting themselves against the virus (Kuznetsov, Matterne, Crispin & Ruzicka, 2013).


Crawford, T., Caldwell, G., Bush, H. M., Browning, S., & Thornton, A. (2012), Foreign born status and HIV/AIDS: A comparative analysis of HIV/AIDS characteristics among foreign and U.S. born individuals. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 14(1), 82-8. doi:

Kuznetsov, L., Matterne, U., Crispin, A., Ruzicka, T., Zippel, S. A., & Kuznetsov, A. V. (2013), Knowledge, attitude and behavioral intention to act regarding HIV infection and prevention in immigrants from the former soviet union in Germany: A comparative study with the native population. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 15(1), 68-77. doi:

Sepúlveda, J. (2012). The ‘third wave’ of HIV prevention: Filling gaps in integrated interventions, knowledge, and funding. Health Affairs, 31(7), 1545-52. Retrieved from

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