Company’s specific product or service
The marketing plan you develop for this Major Project should use an all-inclusive (holistic) approach for a company’s specific product or service. Think and write in a more inclusive manner (i.e., traditional marketing, network marketing, print, radio, television, web-based, app-based, social media, etc.).
For example, do not focus solely on social media marketing as you did in Minor Project 2, but focus on additional marketing strategies which may be more applicable to the selected business, organization, or specific product or service.
You need to invest the time to format this as a professionally-prepared and visually-appealing proposal. It is strongly recommended that you use graphs, charts, diagrams, photos, and other visual images which best communicate the content of this project.
Each of these projects are for you to formally present, or for presentation to CEO’s, CFO’s, and COO’s who don’t typically take a lot of time to read long narratives. They want the facts and to comprehend the document in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
Content/Format: Using the outline below, produce a marketing plan for a product or service of your choice. You are encouraged to use the business you have been working with for minor project 1 and minor project 2. Use the applicable prior research data and information where appropriate in the outline below. This can also be your future business product/service, your current business product/service, the product/service for the business where you currently work, a friend’s business product/service, or another business with whom you have contact.
Make sure your marketing plan has ALL of the headings below. Points are deducted if sections are left out.
Cover Page
Table of Contents (Using Word TOC Command)
Executive Summary
Brief Company History, Purpose, Mission, Vision
Brief Product/Service Description
Product/Service Goals & Strategic Objectives
1. Market Research
Current Market Situation
Industry Trends
Industry Analysis
2. Product/Service Description
3. Customer Identification & Description for Product/Service
Consumer/Customer identification & Description
Consumer/Customer Analysis
4. Current Competitive Situation
Competitor Analysis
5. Distribution Channels
6. SWOT Analysis
Converting the Weaknesses to Strengths
Converting the Threats to Opportunities
7. Marketing Strategies
8. Communication Strategies
Public Relations
Communication Plan
Crisis Management Plan
9. Marketing Budget (Based on the proposed marketing/advertising activities included in this marketing plan)
Sales projections (for 12 months)
Expense projections (for 12 months)
Financial Analysis
10. Implementation Strategy
Action Plan and/or Next Steps
Media plan
Schedule (Gantt Chart)
Assignments (Who does what when)
11. Evaluation Method(s)
How do you know if your marketing plan is working?
Lead tracking systems
Sales reviews
12. References, Bibliography
13. Appendices
There is no length limit on this major project. It needs to be as long as it needs to be. This project is estimated to take 20 hours. You may need six hours of reading in addition to the two hours of reading for the period still available. You should spend another six hours thinking through the sections.
Be sure to demonstrate your knowledge of marketing strategy. Set clear SMART objectives.
Show how the strategies relate to the objectives. Show how you will measure results.
Use the remaining eight hours of the allotted time to write the report.
Make the report a professional polished document.
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