Compare and contrast climate from early to mid 1900

Compare and contrast climate from early to mid 1900 with today
 Compare and contrast climate from early               to mid 1900 with today

Compare and contrast climate from early to mid 1900 with today

The focus of the paper is the reaction to the political climate of worker safety during early 19th century, (specifically the time between 1908-1915 and specifically located in NYC) that culminated from the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire that occurred March of 1911 that killed 146 immigrant females, compared and contrast to the political climate today in regards to worker safety.

The idea is to portray why human life was of so little value regarding factory workers. Safety regulations were in place but when it came to the immigrants and other various companies that employed massive amounts of people safety laws and city codes went by and large went unchecked (very little regulatory guidelines and consequences) and to that matter workers plea for better working conditions to include better wages, decent hours (not the typical 92 hour work week), and safe working conditions was lost as a political function.

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