Compare and contrast Shanghai during the Maoist period

Compare and contrast Shanghai during the Maoist period

Compare and contrast Shanghai during the Maoist period (1949-1976) with Shanghai since Reform and Opening (1979-present.) Suggestions for things to focus on (you don’t have to talk about all of these): changes in the political atmosphere, lifestyle/standard of living, education, architecture and infrastructure, migration. Please choose at least two specific examples from materials assigned for the course, including the following: Qiu Xiaolong, Years of Red Dust, /Rob Schmitz, Street of Eternal Happiness, /Nien Cheng, Life and Death in Shanghai, /and Shu Haolun’s film 89, Shimen Road.

Compare and contrast Shanghai during the Maoist period
Compare and contrast Shanghai during the Maoist period

Quote directly from texts, cited by the author, title page number in parentheses following the quotation. Give full publication information in the bibliography. For the film, it’s OK to quote from memory.

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