Compare Theories Utilized in Forensic Treatment
Warm-Up Activity 1.1: Mental Health Treatment and Assessment in Prison
To begin this activity, view this video to give you an overall understanding of the challenges faced with providing mental health treatment and assessment in forensic settings. This video, at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Indiana, provides you with a framework for forensic mental health work.
Inside Wabash. (2008). Lock-up: Inside America’s Prisons New York, N.Y.: Films Media Group.
So far, you have learned about the general intersection between mental health and the justice system as well as the broad array of treatment and assessment needs in forensic settings. As you have read about these needs, you have also learned about theoretical frameworks utilized to shape treatment in these settings.
For this assignment, develop a table in which you evaluate the utility of the following theories in the forensic setting:
RNR theory
Strength-based treatment theory
Here is an example of how you may wish to set up your table:
Theory Description Applicability Pros Cons
Your table should include the following information:
Discussion of the basic tenets of the theory and its applicability to the forensic setting. Discuss pros and cons of each
Conclude with a one-page summary of the population you plan to investigate for your Signature Assignment, and then indicate which of these theories might assist you in better understanding that population’s needs.
For example, you may wish to look at:
Sex Offenders, Offenders with Psychopathy, Women Offenders, Juvenile Offenders, Offenders with Substance Use Issues, Seriously Mentally Ill Offenders, Offenders with Competency Issues, Offenders with an Intellectual Disability, Young Offenders in Adult Prisons, Offenders who are regularly in Crisis.
Support your analysis with at least two references from peer-reviewed journal articles.
Length: 1-2 page table; plus one-page summary
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