Comparing Ovid’s myth “Pyramus and Thisbe” with the play “Pyramus and Thisbe”

Comparing Ovid’s myth “Pyramus and Thisbe” with the play “Pyramus and Thisbe”

Assignment Instructions

Write a compare-and-contrast essay comparing Ovid’s myth “Pyramus and Thisbe” with the play “Pyramus and Thisbe” enacted in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act V, Scene 1. Examine and discuss the similarities and differences between the two versions. Your goal is to explain how Shakespeare transformed the original source. Remember:

•          Include an introduction with a thesis statement, a body with supporting evidence, and a conclusion.

•          Use textual evidence from both texts to support your points.

•          Use transitions to link sections, paragraphs, sentences, ideas, and details.

•          Use formal language and an objective tone.

•          Choose either block structure or point-by-point structure and use it consistently.

•          Proofread your essay for standard grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.


Review your work using the online checklist.

Submit Your Assignment

Follow the instructions in the Graded Assignment to complete your essay and submit it to your teacher for grading.

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