Comparison of Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom

Comparison of Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom
Comparison of Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom

Comparison of Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom

Dear Admin,

I need an essay in the following subject:


In the ((SELECT COUNTRY)) choose: Saudi Arabia

In the ((COMPARISON COUNTRY)) choose: united Kingdom

2)Identify and describe some of the cultural differences in the two chosen countries and how it affects leadership practices.

3)Analyze the effect such cultural features have on leadership practices.

4)Evaluate the effectiveness of your own country’s leadership practices with regard to acknowledging and understanding these two other cultures.


1)The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

2)Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System.

3)Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

4)I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.

Note: To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

Best regards


Comparison of Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom

Exploring the culture of Saudi Arabia will obtain different sets of drivers that affect the leadership practices in relation to other countries. Power is one of the elements that are being pursued at each level (Akers, 2007). The dimension of the power in general claim and prove the fact that every human being living in a community is equal. This reveals how we should take our culture as we practice it amongst ourselves (Akers, 2007). Therefore, in Saudi Arabia the cognition of power distance as a way of culture has been referred as the extent to which the less powerful members of the organization or institution in the Saudi Arabian country would expect and also they accept that power has been distributed equally (The Hofstede center, 2015).  As a way of life the people living in the country have accepted the hierarchical order that has provided each individual a place and they need no further jurisdiction.

The practice of individualizing exists in the people of Saudi Arabia as the degree of interdependence is maintained (The Hofstede center, 2015). These people are taking care of themselves compared to the other states where there are organs of the government undertaking the role in protecting their citizens (The Hofstede center, 2015). Also the organization behavior of of the citizens in relation to the practice of culture is that there exists a society being driven by achievement, competition and success (The Hofstede center, 2015). The critical issue in here is, what motivate the people to do the best? They are masculine and they live to work. Also Saudi Arabia culture has proved that of pragmatism encourages effort and thrift in today’s education as a way out to prepare for the future (The Hofstede center, 2015). Another challenge that exists in human beings is the degree into which little children can socialize (The Hofstede center, 2015). The rate of indulgence in the Saudi Arabian country is high, in its definition is the extent to which the citizens try to control their own desires and impulses according to the way they were raised (The Hofstede center, 2015).

Cultural differences affecting leadership practices

Saudi Arabia is one of the nations located in the Middle East region where majority of its citizens are Muslims (Domina, 2009). One of the most convenient cultural practices that Muslims do is the art of festival activities. There are a number of festivals that Muslims participate according to their calendar. In relation to the United Kingdom, it is not an Islamic based nation as the majority of the citizens in this nation are Christians (Domina, 2009). The consideration of these numerous festival activities in the Islamic country does have an influence in the leadership practices (The Hofstede center, 2015). Leaders in Saudi Arabian country are aware of the religious activities that are pertaining the celebration practices as in the United Kingdom each individual take part in the celebrations in their own ways (The Hofstede center, 2015). Islamic festival occupies a large base in leadership practices as they also play a substantial role in ensuring leaders have good skills to guide and lead citizens (The Hofstede center, 2015).

The use neo-charismatic leadership in the United Kingdom compared to the culture that have adopted the use of power distance in Saudi Arabia affects leadership practices (LEADERSHIPS LEARNING PA N 1 CBE IRU, 2013). The use of visionary or neo-charismatic leadership style will be affected by engaging in a culture of power distance like the one being adopted in Saudi Arabia (LEADERSHIPS LEARNING PA N 1 CBE IRU, 2013). The culture being shaped on in the United Kingdom involves challenging different processes, modeling most of the ways to participate in and also encouraging or inspiring citizens as a leader. Therefore, observing and adopting the culture of the United Kingdom which is effective, will improve on the leadership qualities for the people of Saudi Arabia (LEADERSHIPS LEARNING PA N 1 CBE IRU, 2013). Culture plays a vital role in improving leadership practices, hence adhering to infringing cultural practices will bring up negative impact on leadership practices (LEADERSHIPS LEARNING PA N 1 CBE IRU, 2013).

Also, another cultural practice that is being practiced in Saudi Arabia that is highly condemned in other world states is the inconsiderate or undermining of gender bias (Aimar, 2007). Saudi Arabia as an Islamic state they do value male dominance hence infringing the woman gender (Aimar, 2007). The other states have advocated for freedom and equality of gender on any field that individuals wish to participate. Women have been segregated from leadership activities in Saudi Arabia while in United Kingdom there is equality of leadership practices (Aimar, 2007). Therefore, gender bias influences leadership activities and it should be abolished. There is need for equality on all genders in the world to ensure effective leadership practices is achieved (Aimar, 2007).

Effect of cultural features of leadership practices

The fundamental issue behind individualism is that people will not be able to think about others as they portray a self image that have to keep (Svensson, 2005). In a culture, it it recommended to care about others as much as they do care about themselves. Individualism practices affect negates the value of leadership practices, hence people should step up and care others as much as they do to themselves (Amnuckmanee, 2002). Also the availability of ambiguity that is brought forward by the use of uncertainty avoidance in a culture brings the onset of to deal with the fact that the future can never be known hence there should control measure (Amnuckmanee, 2002). Lack of control of the future will bring about the uncertainty avoidance that affects leadership practices too. More so  the effect of uncertainty avoidance affects the leadership practices through being unaware of the future and the lack of ways to control it (Amnuckmanee, 2002). Lastly, cultural practices to indulgence has been seen as another feature in Saudi Arabia that’s affected leadership practices. In individuals it has been revealed that they try a lot to control their impulses and desires, but yet it is not easy (Svensson, 2005). Indulgences affect leadership activities through the creation of desires that are irrelevant to other people (Svensson, 2005).

Effectiveness of your own country’s leadership practices

Leadership practices in my country largely depend on the societal norms hence they are considerate in many ways (Fisher, 2002). The exercise of various characteristics and values in my  country renders the daily activities being performed to be accurate (Harris, 2005). There is the existence of neo-charismatic leadership, hence following of cultural values cannot be influenced. The use of charismatic leadership should be exercised in all countries since it is the best way to consider the value of diverse cultures (Harris, 2006).


Aimar, C., & Stough, S. 2007, “LEADERSHIP: DOES CULTURE MATTER? COMPARATIVE PRACTICES BETWEEN ARGENTINA AND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 11(3), 9-43. Retrieved from

Akers, D.S. 2007, “SAUDI ARABIA: Culture and Customs of Saudi Arabia”, The Middle East Journal, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 173-174.

Amnuckmanee, A. 2002, “Demographic influences on the leadership practices of chief faculty officers during the period of reform (Order No. 3053216). Available from ABI/INFORM Complete. (305470852). Retrieved from

Aziz, S.F.A., Silong, A.D., Karim, N.A.A. & Hassan, H. 2012, “Leadership Practices in Public Sector in Selected Countries: An Integrative Literature Review”, Journal of Management Policy and Practice, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 113-126.

Domina, N. V. 2009, Gender and culture influences on leadership perceptions (Order No. 3366724). Available from ABI/INFORM Complete. (304880000). Retrieved from

Fisher, R. 2002, “Social cohesion in the United Kingdom: a case report CIRCLE-CCRN Round Table 2000]”, Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 161-166.

Harris, L.L. 2006, The relationship of leaderships’ communication to employee engagement and intent to stay, University of Minnesota.

Harris, P., Rettie, R. & Cheung, C.K. 2005, “ADOPTION AND USAGE OF M-COMMERCE: A CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON OF HONG KONG AND THE UNITED KINGDOM”, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 210-224.

LEADERSHIPS LEARNING PA N 1 CBE IRU2013, , Experian Information Solutions, Inc, Costa Mesa.

Svensson, G., & Wood, G. (2005). The serendipity of leadership effectiveness in management and business practices. Management Decision, 43(7), 1001-1009. Retrieved from

The Hofstede center. 2015, “Cultural tools: country comparison”, available at

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