Computer Security using IEEE Format and Citation Style

Computer Security using IEEE Format and Citation Style Turn in a 3-page manuscript (your paper) with a focus on Computer Security.

Computer Security using IEEE Format and Citation Style
Computer Security using IEEE Format and Citation Style

The article, journal, or newspaper article should be no older than a year. It is going to be IEEE format IEEE citation style is used primarily for electronics, engineering, telecommunications, computer science, and information technology reports.

Computer Security using IEEE Format and Citation Style

The three main parts of a reference are as follows:

  • Author’s name listed as the first initial of the first name, then full last.
  • Title of article, patent, conference paper, etc., in quotation marks.
  • Title of journal or book in italics.

This system allows the reader to identify the information source at a glance. All punctuation, dates, and page numbers depend on the type of reference cited, so follow the examples with care. Please note this style guide is wide-ranging, but not all sources are identified. Further research may be required.

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