Consumer Behaviour and Customer Insights

Consumer Behaviour and Customer Insights

Critically analyse the concepts of consumer behaviour and consumer insight in the context of the case study. Also, Identify and explain any three consumer behaviour issues that affects the consumer intentions to buy Ikea furniture. Note that, one of the three problems must be related to consumer ethics and corporate social responsibility.
[Guided words: 400 LO3 and LO4]

Propose and critically discuss a consumer behaviour model that shall relate external and internal factors of consumer decision making to consumer’s intention to buy Ikea furniture.
Your conceptual model should theoretically relate consumers two external and two internal factors, with the three-consumer behaviour related issues affecting intentions to buy Ikea furniture.
[Guided words: 1300 words, LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4 and graduate skills]
Note for task 2: You should underpin your answer with relevant consumer behaviour theories.
Research and propose a consumer behaviour model that depicts and justifies the relationship of the three problems affecting intentions to buy with:
I) two best fitting external (marketing ethics and 4Ps, cultural, and group etc.) and
II) two best fitting internal factors (motivation, demography, perception, attitude, learning, personality, ethics etc.).
Task 3: Discuss the process of research methodology for the data collection and analysis, that you will propose to use for developing consumer insight for Ikea furniture. Justify your proposed research methodology.
[Guided words: 300 words, LO2, LO3]
Task 4: Conclude your findings and provide suitable recommendations to Ikea furniture for overcoming the three issues that you have identified.

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