Content Marketing Term Paper Available

Content Marketing
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Content Marketing

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Topic is:Content is king!

Here is the concept:
Content Marketing
• A strategy involving creating and publishing
content on Web sites and in social media to
attract customers and prospects.
• Companies are organizing themselves as media
publishers online.
• All owned media can be considered content

Just prove why concept is king with 2 points and evidence. (in e-marketing)


Content marketing is a marketing approach strategy mainly focused in generating and distributing a quality and consistent content that will attract a huge consumer base and generate and maintain a high profit. This marketing strategy usually utilizes websites and social media platforms.  The main purpose of this strategy is usually intended to changing or enhancing the behavior of the consumer so as it is compatible with the changing environment for example maintaining a high number of consumers despite the increase in competition. This strategy of content marketing has usually being hailed as being king in its field. (LIEB, 2012) Though there are numerous reasons why the strategy is referred to as being king, the following essay provides only two points supported with evidence.

Firstly, content marketing has greatly enabled branding of companies and the increasing of a company’s authority in a particular industry. This has been achieved through the massive selling of knowledge and expertise. This is not achieved through selling the products directly to the customer but rather through trying to convince the consumer through giving him/her the benefits of the product. For an effective content marketing strategy, the convincing power used must be very strong. This although comes with its challenge in that for it to be effective it should, the content must be shared a maximum amount of relevant times. The best way of ensuring that the content is shared at a maximum time is through the creating of traffic in the site. When  a content creates traffic In  a site users maybe guided to other relevant areas of the website meaning that the chances of users adequately exploring the content of the website is very high. The website should also be continuously and subsequently be updated with relevant content that is of high quality. An example of a company that has been able to utilize content marketing in such a manner is the Microsoft Company. (LEROUX MILLER, 2013) Microsoft which is a software company has become on of the most popular software brands in the world and over time it has become a leading authority in the software field and this is evidenced by the enormous amount of profit that it has been able to generate..

Secondly, content marketing has also helped in boosting the number of the customers and sales leads and this is achieved with a very minimum amount of budget. Nowadays due to the many unavoidable circumstances, most people usually prefer doing their business activities online and it has been shown that companies and organizations that have had an effective an efficient content marketing strategy have had a high number of customers and prospects. An example is the DollarShaveClub Company, a relatively small company, that was founded back in 2011 by a comedian by the name Michael Dubin and a businessman Mark Levine. The company sells quality razors for at a lesser price than the cost of brand razors but it receives a high number of customers.  The company used a video on which it spent $4,500. This video had about 9.5 million views which later resulted in them having a massive fan base on social media platforms that is about 23,000 followers on twitter and 76,000 facebook fans. Within two days, the company had had 12.000 new customers. (JEFFERSON & TANTON, 2012)

In conclusion content marketing can be an effective strategy in both big marketing organizations and small businesses.


LIEB, R. (2012). Content marketing: think like a publisher –how to use content to market online and in social media. Indianapolis, Que.

JEFFERSON, S., & TANTON, S. (2012). valuable content marketing how to make quality content the key to your business success. London, Kogan Page.

LEROUX MILLER, K. (2013). Content marketing for nonprofits: a communications map for engaging your community, becoming a favorite cause, and raising more money.

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