Contract Negotiation With an Organization in Qatar

Contract Negotiation With an Organization in Qatar Imagine that you must negotiate a contract with an organisation that is in a country other than your own (Qatar).

Contract Negotiation With an Organization in Qatar
Contract Negotiation With an Organization in Qatar

Choose any country other than your native country and then answer the following questions:
• Identify the country. List the main aspects of this country’s culture, as you perceive it today.
• What assumptions do you have about this country and why? Contract Negotiation With an Organization in Qatar Imagine that you must negotiate a contract with an organisation that is in a country other than your own (Qatar).

Sources of Information for Contract Negotiation With an Organization in Qatar

What sources of information shape your assumptions?
• How does this country’s culture differ from your own? What cultural values do you bring to the transaction and how would you need to adapt? Contract Negotiation With an Organization in Qatar Imagine that you must negotiate a contract with an organisation that is in a country other than your own (Qatar).

Contract Negotiation With an Organization in Qatar Approach

How would you approach the negotiation? Would your approach vary from how you would approach a negotiation in the country of your native birth or primary professional experience? What factors of negotiation and business relationships do you have to consider differently? List the main aspects of this country’s culture, as you perceive it today.

Contract Negotiation With an Organization in Qatar Essay

Choose any country other than your native country and then answer the following questions:
• Identify the country. List the main aspects of this country’s culture, as you perceive it today.
• What assumptions do you have about this country and why? Imagine that you must negotiate a contract with an organisation that is in a country other than your own (Qatar).

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